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    Summer 結果共196筆

  • Taiwan minister apologizes for Taoyuan blackout

    Minister Wang Mei-hua apologizes for a significant power outage in Taoyuan City, explaining it was due to a cable fault and earthquake damage, with repairs aimed for completion by the summer peak.
    2024/04/17 15:32
  • 梧桐妹超辣!「低胸熱褲」緊摟蕭敬騰 他1動作粉絲讚爆

    2024/04/16 12:40
  • 蕭敬騰迎37歲生日!老婆公然放閃「甜蜜祝福」:願你發光發熱

    2024/03/31 14:11
  • Taiwan braces for summer-like heat with highs of 34°C

    Stay informed about the upcoming weather in Taiwan as temperatures are expected to rise significantly in the coming days. Meteorologists predict a warming trend with highs reaching up to 34 degrees Celsius. Take precautions against sun exposure and stay updated on the latest forecasts.
    2024/03/22 16:45
  • 才成團開唱!蕭秉治爆MP魔幻力量內幕 認和鼓鼓起爭執

    「鼓鼓」呂思緯與蕭秉治組成限定團體「GX」,昨(16)日一起連 2天在高雄流行音樂中心開唱,舉辦「大玩一票ALL YOU CAN PLAY」演唱會,唱到〈Summer〉一曲時,2人虧歌迷合唱聲音太小,拿起水槍狂射粉絲,粉絲開心受罰,現場瞬間溼成一片。
    2024/03/17 07:01
  • 好幸福!蕭敬騰緊牽愛妻現身春酒 豪灑百萬紅包「李炳輝也來了」

    2024/03/01 13:14
  • 影音/蕭敬騰每年求婚1次超浪漫 Summer甜曝「點頭嫁內幕」

    2024/02/24 10:52
  • 蕭敬騰開唱「大咖天后」驚喜探班 回憶殺感性吐真話:珍惜緣分

    蕭敬騰(老蕭)昨(17)日在新加坡熱力開唱,迎來神秘嘉賓陶晶瑩(陶子)驚喜現身後台,重溫《超級星光大道》回憶殺,一見到老蕭以及summer,陶晶瑩便開心祝賀:「恭喜蕭先生!恭喜蕭太太!」陶子正好人在新加坡特地抽空到活動現場給老蕭以及好友們探班,演出歌單裡老蕭也特別獻唱〈新不了情〉,這是他當時在節目〔超級星光大道〕所演唱的經典歌曲,新年時節大家在新加坡再次團聚,特別溫暖又幸福,老蕭在台上感性說道:「陶子姐今天也在現場,這首歌是我在《星光》被聽見的歌,也是我和陶子姐共同回憶,很珍惜所有的緣分,也珍惜可以跟大家相聚的每一次機會, 祝福大家新年快樂!」
    2024/02/18 12:58
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans U.S. visit in 2024

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to visit the United States in the summer of 2024, focusing on cities like Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. The trip may also include Washington if time permits. The visit will prioritize municipal exchanges and involve bureaus related to information, industrial development, and firefighting. Chiang’s previous tours were mainly in Asian cities like Singapore and South Korea. This upcoming visit, his first as mayor, is likely to be politically interpreted, especially given the timing after the inauguration of President-elect Lai Ching-te.
    2024/02/07 14:39
  • 蕭敬騰寵妻無極限!砸百萬日本火車之旅 奢華行程曝

    2024/02/07 10:33
  • Mount Fuji to charge climbers NT$426 pass fee

    Starting this summer, Japan’s Yamanashi Prefecture plans to collect a pass fee of approximately NT$426 from climbers visiting Mount Fuji to address the issue of overcrowding. The number of climbers will also be limited, with the daily figure capped at 4,000 individuals. If this limit is exceeded, the toll gate at the Yoshida Trail fifth station will be closed. Climbing will also be prohibited between 4 p.m. and 3 a.m. The funds generated by the toll will be used to construct refuge facilities in case of a volcanic eruption, as the Yoshida Trail had around 140,000 visitors in 2023. As the trail falls under the county road category, about 600 meters of the road near the fifth station is not subject to highway regulations, hence the imposition of climber fees as usage charges.
    2024/02/01 12:23
  • 只露臉5秒!歐陽娣娣參戰選秀淪背景 網卻狂讚:有那麼漂亮

    2024/02/01 10:14
  • 影音/蕭敬騰合體向華強唱情歌 放閃Summer「她不用化妝」

    2024/01/24 13:45
  • 蕭敬騰心疼Summer「太早出生」 親揭差14歲婚後生活

    2024/01/17 17:25
  • Taiwan gymnasts eye Olympic glory at Paris summer games

    Taiwan’s gymnastics team coach, Lin Yu-hsin, expressed confidence in the medal prospects of Tang Chia-hung and Olympic silver medalist Lee Chih-kai for the upcoming Paris Summer Olympics. The Taiwanese gymnasts recently visited the Accor Arena, the recognized gymnastics venue, and Lin confirmed that the warm-up venue adheres to global standards. Although no Taiwanese athlete has secured qualification yet, Lin believes that Lee’s performance in pommel horse, Tang’s performance in horizontal bar, and Lin Kuan-yi’s performance in rings could earn them a place in the Olympics and potentially podium finishes. The Accor Arena has hosted various sports events since 1984 and underwent recent renovations. Taiwan plans to send six participants, including Lee Chih-kai, Hsiao Yu-jan, Tang Chia-hung, Hung Yuan-hsi, Lin Kuan-yi, and Tseng Wei-sheng. Lin emphasized the importance of sending strong individual contestants focused on health to secure points. Lee Chih-kai and Tang Chia-hung, both recognized for their skilled performances and reputation, are expected to easily qualify due to their prime age.
    2024/01/17 10:23
  • 定情曲?蕭敬騰新歌赴挪威拍攝 放閃妻Summer超甜蜜

    2024/01/15 21:14
  • 成軍20年!宇宙人備戰小巨蛋進度曝 過年後重大計畫公開

    金曲樂團宇宙人2023年成績亮眼,舉辦17場「理想狀態」巡迴演唱會、5場2023夏季巡迴演唱會,更參與日本LIVE殿堂Summer Sonic音樂節,還一舉奪下金曲獎,歌曲在KKBOX、Spotify、Apple music共3大音樂串流平台,創下2400萬播放次數,各行各業活動邀約滿檔。
    2024/01/12 11:37
  • 蕭敬騰新婚Summer「親揭婚禮進度」 認2024有重磅好消息

    2024/01/06 15:41
  • 蕭敬騰曬幸福!揭「人生2大事」都和愛妻有關 突登挪威頭條嚇傻

    2024/01/05 13:30
  • Twinnen in Taiwan: Discover Taipei’s nocturnal charm

    Join us on a nocturnal journey through Taipei, starting with the Maokong Gondola, marveling at Taipei 101, savoring delicacies at Din Tai Fung, and experiencing the vibrant Linjiang Night Market. Discover the sights and flavors of Taipei after sunset.
    2024/01/03 21:21
  • Convenience chain launches Sichuan peppercorn ice cream

    Discover a new winter ice cream flavor in Taipei, featuring vanilla and a Sichuan peppercorn oil infusion. This collaboration between a convenience chain and a spicy hotpot restaurant offers a sweet and numbing taste without intense spiciness. With winter ice cream sales reaching over a million units, this co-branding strategy could result in double growth. Primarily popular among customers over 40 years old, winter ice cream flavors tend to be richer compared to refreshing summer varieties. Explore the unique business opportunities and challenged consumer perceptions created by promoting ice cream during the winter season.
    2024/01/03 19:48
  • 蕭敬騰不藏了!跨年「1舉動」放閃愛妻 億萬觀眾甜暈了

    2024/01/01 06:30
  • 離不開愛妻Summer!蕭敬騰新婚黏TT 不捨相擁閃瞎全場

    2023/12/29 14:25
  • 蕭敬騰太閃了!狂寵愛妻Summer 辦展竟暗藏「幸福彩蛋」

    2023/12/22 17:17
  • 蕭敬騰婚禮進度曝光!盛大到恐「辦在大巨蛋」 Summer幸福全說了

    2023/12/18 10:38
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