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    Spring 結果共34筆

  • Taipei clarifies: Xishan Village water not from city supply

    Taipei Water Department clarifies that Xishan Village’s water supply is not from its system but from untreated mountain spring water, which is suspected to have caused residents to experience vomiting and diarrhea due to high E. coli levels possibly related to the recent earthquake. The department has set up emergency water collection points and assured the safety of its tap water supply to the greater Taipei area.
    2024/04/12 14:06
  • Taiwan records spring’s warmest day as island heats up

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan as meteorologist Lin De-en reports the hottest day of spring, with scattered showers across the country. Check the high-temperature warnings issued by the Central Weather Administration for various regions and stay informed about air quality forecasts and visibility conditions.
    2024/03/25 11:24
  • Taiwan’s Reservoirs dip below 50% amid dry weather forecast

    Experts warn of declining reservoir levels in Taiwan due to reduced rainfall this winter and spring. Lin Te-en, an atmospheric sciences expert, predicts the dry trend will persist into April, emphasizing the need for heightened water conservation efforts. Key reservoirs across the island are experiencing storage rates below 50%, signaling a looming water shortage. With the U.S. NCEP’s Climate Forecast System projecting continued low rainfall, public awareness and conservation are crucial to mitigate the crisis.
    2024/03/14 13:50
  • Measles spike forecasted in Taiwan for spring season

    Taiwan’s CDC reports seven measles cases, highlighting the risk of a spring outbreak despite a high vaccination rate. Health officials stress the importance of vaccination, especially for travelers to affected regions.
    2024/03/11 17:08
  • Taichung secures sufficient water supply through May

    The Water Resources Agency assures ample water supply in Taichung until May. Daily consumption ranges between 1.4 and 1.5 million tons, sourced mainly from Liyutan and Techi Reservoirs. Liyutan is at 46.5% capacity, Techi at 69%. Shihmen Reservoir in the North faces strain. Agricultural supplies began on Feb. 15 for spring farming irrigation. WRA will monitor spring rainfall for water management.
    2024/03/06 11:14
  • 你也「春睏」嗎?易疲倦、嗜睡 營養師教飲食4大招預防

    春天到了,你是否更離不開溫暖的被窩呢?古代詩人孟浩然曾言「春眠不覺曉」,究竟為何春天容易感到疲倦,這種狀態應該如何改善呢?營養師何采璇在《好食客》說明,這種想睡覺的狀態叫做春睏(Spring Fatigue),顧名思義就是在春天容易感到睏倦和嗜睡。
    2024/03/02 08:29
  • Taiwan predicts normal Pacific temperatures post-spring

    Stay informed about the latest weather updates in Taiwan with insights from the Central Weather Administration (CWA). Discover the forecast for the upcoming quarter, including temperature trends and rainfall expectations. Be prepared for changing conditions as spring approaches.
    2024/03/01 11:24
  • 改走貴婦奢侈品路線 梅西百貨大砍全美150間傳統商場

    美國傳統商場龍頭梅西百貨(Macy’s)宣布,將在未來三年內、關閉約150家門市,佔全美梅西30%比例,希望藉此鞏固其在奢侈品市場的地位,完成品牌轉型計畫。這項計劃是由新上任執行長湯尼(Tony Spring)提出,這個舉動能讓梅西百貨釋出至多7.5億美元(約新台幣213億元)的房地資產,並讓該公司能夠專注在旗下奢侈品牌發展。接下來三年,梅西百貨在大量關閉傳統商場外,同時計劃增設15家布魯明戴爾(Bloomingdale’s)和30家「Bluemercury」(旗下奢侈化妝品品牌)的新店;至於沒有關閉的傳統商場,內部動線與裝潢設施都會進行升級,外加新開設小型梅西門市,跨足更小型的零售市場。
    2024/02/28 10:41
  • Dazzling New Taipei Lantern Festival draws record crowds

    Explore the vibrant atmosphere of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, featuring a stunning 12-meter-high dragon lantern, international and indigenous art displays, and diverse activities for attendees. Join in the celebration of the Year of the Dragon and the Spring Lantern Festival at New Taipei Metropolitan Park.
    2024/02/24 17:00
  • U.S. delegation visits Taiwan’s legislature

    U.S. Congressman Mike Gallagher, chairman of the House of Representatives select committee on China, visits Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan and is warmly received by Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu and Deputy Speaker Johnny Chiang. Han welcomes the delegation with traditional Spring Couplets and invites Gallagher for a photo, praising his youthful appearance. The group then moves on to a closed-door meeting.
    2024/02/22 18:17
  • Yu Chang signs minor league deal with Tampa Bay Rays

    Taiwanese baseball star Yu Chang signs minor league contract with Tampa Bay Rays, earns Major League spring training invite. Chang’s renowned defense secures him a monthly salary of US$36,000, with potential bonuses doubling from previous year. Rays’ inviting atmosphere and promise of US$1 million annual salary upon promotion entice Chang’s decision.
    2024/02/21 13:41
  • Stunning ’Taiwan Totem’ amazes visitors in Hualien

    Explore "Taiwan Totem," a stunning creation amidst canola fields and the iconic Kecheng Iron Bridge in Yuli Township, Taiwan. Join the Lunar New Year festivities in this picturesque setting.
    2024/02/11 08:00
  • Innovative red envelope designs surge in popularity

    Discover the latest trend in Taiwan’s Lunar New Year celebrations with the surge of DIY red envelope designs. From personalized packets to innovative cash dispensers, explore how tradition meets creativity in 2024.
    2024/02/08 09:00
  • Taiwanese debate the waning festive spirit of Lunar New Year

    Discover the changing "festive spirit" of the Lunar New Year in Taiwan as smaller families and evolving traditions impact the celebrations. From nostalgic memories of firecrackers and street shopping to the rise of phone distractions and travel abroad, the discussion revolves around the meaning of the "memory of festive spirit." Join the debate on the declining vibrancy of family reunion dinners and the overall change in the Lunar New Year atmosphere.
    2024/01/30 15:13
  • Taiwan to enjoy spring-like warmth with rising temperatures

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan from Meteorologist Wu Der-rong. Temperatures will rise throughout the week, reaching 30 degrees Celsius in the south. While the north will see highs of 25 degrees during the day, mornings and evenings will remain cooler. Expect temperatures of 12-22 degrees in the north, 12-25 degrees in central regions, and 13-27 degrees in the south. Starting Tuesday, wind direction will change, bringing stable sunny weather to the west and occasional showers to the east. A small northeast wind on Friday may cause localized rain and a slight drop in temperature in the north. Spring-like temperatures will return on the weekend, with sunny weather in the west and possible showers in the east. Stay tuned for updates on the next cold snap.
    2024/01/29 13:48
  • Taiwan prepares for Lunar New Year rush with extra flights

    Bookings for additional flights to Taiwan’s outlying islands during the Lunar New Year holiday will open next Tuesday, according to the Civil Aviation Administration. The first wave of extra flights and regularly scheduled flights have been available for booking since December 5. The upcoming Spring Festival rush will see 6,646 seats available for Penghu routes and 4,334 seats for Kinmen routes. The number of additional seats for Matsu has not been disclosed, but the total number of extra seats reaches nearly 11,980. Travelers are reminded to issue their tickets within three days of booking to facilitate airline companies in managing reservations. The CAA also advises that seats are still available for off-peak dates and times across various routes.
    2023/12/20 21:36
  • Yilan’s Lanyang Hot Spring Season draws festive crowd

    The 2023 Winter Lanyang Hot Spring Season in Jiaoxi Township, Yilan kicked off with a festive street parade carnival. The week-long celebration includes a hot spring gourmet fair, smaller street parades, and a gourmet travel expo. Nearly 50 groups from local industries, communities, schools, and organizations participated in the opening event, creating a lively atmosphere. The carnival parade featured creative costumes and was led by a themed float, the Bloco Força Brazil Percussion band, the Lanyang Samba Dance troupe, and large robots. The Guohua Junior High School Aboriginal Dance Group, comprised of vibrant indigenous students, also performed. The hot spring gourmet fair and more street parades will continue until Dec. 10. Tangweigou Hot Spring Park has installed a towering 6.5-meter ’Hot Spring Giant’ illuminated decoration and a 12-meter-wide floral tunnel, which are lit every evening until Feb. 25, 2024, adding to the winter celebration’s appeal.
    2023/12/04 20:27
  • Tourism surge driven by affordability and attractions

    Taiwan has soared in popularity as a global travel destination, with Taipei experiencing unprecedented growth in tourist interest. This surge is attributed to the city’s affordability and unique attractions, making it a favorite among international travelers, especially from Asia.
    2023/11/30 19:03
  • Tainan court sentences Lin Hsin-wu to double death penalty

    The Tainan District Court has sentenced Lin Hsin-wu to death twice and deprived him of his civil rights for life for the murder of two police officers in 2022. Lin brutally killed Tainan City Police Bureau officers Tu Ming-cheng and Tsao Jui-chieh, using a spring knife and firearms while pursuing a suspected car thief. Despite defense arguments about Lin’s impaired behavioral control due to severe alcohol use disorder, the court dismissed them. Taiwan still practices capital punishment, and the issue of its abolition has become a focus of public debate. Currently, there are 38 inmates on death row in Taiwan awaiting execution.
    2023/11/24 17:29
  • Expo showcases Taiwan’s culture and tech prowess in Tokyo

    The 2023 Taiwan Expo Japan opens in Tokyo, highlighting Taiwanese culture, VR art from the National Palace Museum, and innovative green technologies. The expo, supported by key figures, strengthens Taiwan-Japan relations, celebrating shared values and mutual support.
    2023/11/09 17:41
  • Taiwan’s Cijin braces for typhoon and spring tide impact

    The southern region of Taiwan is facing the combined impact of the annual Spring Tide and the approaching Typhoon Saola, resulting in waterlogged streets in low-lying coastal areas of Cijin, Kaohsiung.
    2023/08/30 10:08
  • Poisonous mushrooms spring up in Kaohsiung after heavy rain

    Kaohsiung City tackles a sudden influx of poisonous wild mushrooms in its parks following heavy rain. Authorities are working swiftly to eliminate the fungi, identified as potentially harmful "green-spored parasol mushrooms." The public is urged to avoid touching or consuming them due to their toxic effects. Learn about the measures being taken to ensure safety.
    2023/08/18 23:30
  • 痛心道別文彬!台灣粉絲明辦「快閃應援」追悼 地點曝光藏洋蔥

    2016年出道的南韓人氣男團體ASTRO,最初發行首張迷你專輯《Spring Up》出道,團體超強的舞台魅力,擄獲不少粉絲,豈料,團員文彬19日晚間突然傳出在家中身亡的消息,不僅震驚娛樂圈,粉絲們也難以置信,為此感到相當痛心及不捨。明(22)日是文彬出殯的日子,台灣粉絲也特別舉辦快閃活動,與文彬做最後一次的道別,地點就選在新莊宏匯廣場,該處正是文彬和產賀組成的小分隊原訂下週來台舉辦演唱會的地點。
    2023/04/21 23:29
  • Taiwan gangsters throw extravagant spring celebration

    The "Bamboo Union," a notorious Taiwanese gang, marked the arrival of spring with opulent fanfare at the Marriott Hotel Taipei on Monday (March 6). 
    2023/03/10 19:01
  • Taiwan seniors soak in hot springs among cherry blossoms

    Many Taiwanese seniors enjoy visiting hot springs during the winter season to get warm and cozy, according to media reports. 
    2023/01/30 17:21
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