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    Something 結果共10筆

  • 《RM》製作人來台授課! 「大師講堂」韓鑽石師資名單曝光

    韓國製作、台灣人才強強聯手共同合作開發,力推台灣綜藝在國際市場上發光發熱!《LEAP非戲劇類節目共同開發計畫》為文策院2024重要計畫之一,將攜手AR Asia Production以及韓國Something Special兩大製作公司,帶來韓國首屈一指綜藝以及實境節目資源,找出頂尖的台灣綜藝節目製作人才,由韓國多位資深製作人金美蓮、鄭鐘然、高旼究等親自授課指導,加上台灣半世紀以來綜藝製作培養出來的厚實人才實力,讓雙方在這次合作下能激盪出全新創意,讓台灣原創綜藝有機會躍升國際舞台,而這也是台韓綜藝製作首次有如此完整且盛大的共同開發計畫。  
    2024/02/28 15:32
  • MOFA counters Ko’s remarks on Taiwan’s diplomatic allies

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has expressed concern over comments made by Ko Wen-je, Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate, stating that they could potentially harm Taiwan’s diplomatic relationships and lead to misunderstandings. MOFA spokesperson Liu Yung-chien emphasized that there is no conflict between solidifying relations with allied countries and developing substantial relationships with non-allied nations. The foreign ministry’s approach is to contribute to both areas simultaneously, without prioritizing based on alliance status. Liu highlighted the vital support received from allies over the years, which has helped Taiwan participate in international organizations and advance its causes. He expressed gratitude for the moral courage and vocal support shown by these allies, and stated that any possible misunderstanding sparked by Ko’s remarks is not something the people of Taiwan wish to see. In a podcast interview, Ko remarked that the number of diplomatic allies had been misperceived, suggesting that Taiwan would still fare well even if the number went down to zero. Ko emphasized the importance of substantial relationships, citing Taiwan’s positive relationships with Japan and the U.S., despite the absence of formal diplomatic ties.
    2023/12/28 17:15
  • 影音/韓團M.O.N.T喊「在台買房」 獻唱2首翻唱曲

    2023/09/10 09:36
  • 全球巡演到一半!Coldplay捲合約官司 22年經紀人分手翻臉

    英國天團酷玩樂團(Coldplay)名聲遠播全球,每張專輯幾乎暢銷熱賣,著名歌曲包含〈A Sky Full Of Stars〉、〈Something Just Like This〉、〈Hymn For The Weekend〉等。最近樂團正在世界巡演,豈料卻爆發合約糾紛,竟被他們合作22年的前經紀人Dave Holmes起訴,兩方正式撕破臉。關於詳情案情,目前則尚未公開。
    2023/08/18 14:30
  • Generation P looks for self-fulfillment within their careers

    There are Millennials and the Gen-Z. But did you know there is now a Generation P? And when it comes to career choices, Generation P is looking for something different. They are not after a higher salary or looking to save up to buy a car or a home. Instead, they are looking to fulfill their self-worth in their careers and are looking for more flexible and autonomous work schedules.
    2022/12/07 21:48
  • 周興哲怎麼了?自爆竟想從陽台跳下 直喊:頂多腳斷掉

    周興哲日前前往美國洛杉磯及聖荷西舉辦《周興哲Eric Chou WORLD TOUR》演唱會,由於他曾在波士頓求學,所以在美國開唱對他來說意義非凡,他特別為洛杉磯粉絲演唱〈Something About L.A.〉,提到此曲由來,他表示當時工作滿檔,身心到了臨界點,公司讓他放了長假,他一個念頭就買了到洛杉磯的機票,到當地後悠然觀光,因此寫下這首歌。
    2022/11/09 20:05
  • 男歌手年少「負氣離家」爸臨終沒見到面 懊悔驚覺:早就放下了

    新加坡創作才子陳傑瑞沉澱1年,邀請多年好友劉明湘,翻唱經典西洋情歌〈Say Something〉官方中文版〈Say Something我快要放棄你〉,錄音時想起父親臨終前,未能對他說最後一句話的遺憾,他透露當年父親因工作忽略家庭,讓他很不諒解,年少不懂事的他負氣離家出走,直到爸爸過世後才發現自己早已放下,但卻來不及跟他見到面、說到話。
    2022/06/25 19:32
  • 遭控抄襲外國饒舌歌手! 瘦子:合法付費買「伴奏版權」

    嘻哈歌手瘦子去年推出個人專輯,其中歌曲《Something I Don’t Need》卻被指控,疑似抄襲外國歌手re4se,不過他本人解釋,透過合法音樂平台購買伴奏音樂版權來創作,有可能只是大家買到相同的元素。
    2021/03/31 19:37
  • Girl’s Day回歸確定! 「隱藏版」日程超驚喜

    原預計在去年發行新專輯的Girl's Day,因成員行程繁忙,外加對專輯完成度的要求甚高,讓她們的回歸行程一延再延,距離她們上一次的新歌,已經隔了整整一年多無再發新作品。
    2017/03/21 15:27
  • 【FOCUS新聞】競猜遊戲熱 快問快答線上對戰夯

    您還記得2011年紅極一時的手機APP遊戲Draw Something嗎?中文名稱叫做你畫我猜,當時它短短9天,就創下使用者突破100萬人的紀錄,它帶動起第一波競猜遊戲熱潮,而現在又有一款遊戲爆紅,8天就突破百萬用戶數,刷新紀錄,它叫做Quiz Up,其實就很類似機制遊戲節目的形式,由APP出題,讓你隨機或是與特定朋友對戰,現在奪下APP Store的冠軍寶座。
    2014/01/08 21:16
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