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    Passport 結果共26筆

  • Taiwanese can travel to Cuba with valid documents, says MOFA

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has stated that Taiwanese citizens are allowed to enter Cuba with a passport valid for more than six months and a Cuban Tourist Card, according to Central News Agency (CNA). However, MOFA has urged the public to suspend travel to Cuba or check the official Cuban government website or airlines before departure due to unclear information. This response comes after a Taiwanese-Canadian and his family were denied entry into Cuba because "China doesn’t recognize Taiwan as a country." The family’s passports were confiscated, and they were sent back to Canada after ten hours at the airport. MOFA has instructed the Taiwanese representative office in Bogota, Colombia, to investigate the issue and protect the travel rights of Taiwanese citizens.
    2023/12/25 16:29
  • MOFA expands online passport booking slots

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has announced enhancements to its online passport application system in response to increased demand as international borders reopen post-pandemic. Individuals can now schedule up to four passport applications in one reservation, a significant increase from the previous limit of one application per booking. MOFA encourages the use of its "Online booking appointment for passport application" to streamline the process. To avoid long queues, people can monitor the current number of waiting tickets and people in line on the Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA) website. For inquiries, the public can refer to the passport Q&A section on the BOCA’s global information network site or contact the passport inquiry hotline.
    2023/12/19 21:58
  • Taiwan expands online passport booking to four applicants

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has announced that individuals can now book appointments for up to four passport applications at once online, an increase from the previous limit of one. This change, effective since December 17, is in response to a surge in passport applications following the reopening of international borders after the pandemic. The ministry’s Bureau of Consular Affairs encourages the public to take advantage of the enhanced ’Individual Passport Application Form Filling and Appointment System’ to schedule appointments in advance and reduce waiting times. The bureau’s official website also offers a real-time feature to check the current number being served and the number of people waiting, helping applicants avoid long queues. For further assistance, the Bureau of Consular Affairs provides information through their website and a dedicated passport inquiry hotline. These efforts reflect the ministry’s commitment to adapting public services to meet the evolving needs of citizens in the post-pandemic era.
    2023/12/19 16:48
  • Spain tops visa-free travel index; Taiwan at 70th place

    The VisaGuide World Passport Index has revealed the most powerful passports in the world for December, with Taiwan ranked 70th overall. Spain tops the list, followed by Germany in third place, and the United States in 40th place. The ranking is based on the Destination Significance Score (DSS), which considers various factors. The Spanish passport allows visa-free entry to 43 countries and visa-free access to an additional 106 countries. Singapore holds the second spot and is considered the strongest passport in Asia, granting its citizens visa-free entry to 156 destinations. In comparison, the Taiwanese passport allows visa-free entry to 100 countries and regions, placing it lower than some other countries. China ranks 117th, offering its citizens visa-free access to 46 countries.
    2023/12/19 16:01
  • 「全球最強護照」排名曝 台灣第70狠甩中國、僅禁入這國

    2023年將邁入尾聲,國外知名護照排名系統「VisaGuide.World Passport Index」以截至今年12月數據,公布「全球最強大護照」(World’s Most Powerful Passports)排名,冠軍由西班牙奪得,前5名依序還有新加坡、德國、義大利、法國,台灣則位列第70,大勝僅排第117的中國護照。
    2023/12/18 15:48
  • Over 35,000 to take English listening test this Saturday

    The College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC) has announced that the second session of the high school English listening test will take place this Saturday, with 35,986 registered candidates. The test will be conducted in the morning across 30 districts, 44 zones, and 1,067 venues. Test-takers are advised to check their personal examination information and test location layout on the CEEC’s website. Valid identification, such as an ID card or passport, must be brought to the exam. Mask-wearing is optional for most test-takers, but those who have tested positive for COVID-19 or have respiratory symptoms must wear a mask throughout the examination. Candidates causing noise may be relocated to a reserve venue to avoid disturbing others.
    2023/12/12 18:30
  • Taiwan may benefit from Indonesia’s visa-free entry plan

    Taiwan is among the potential beneficiaries of Indonesia’s contemplation to offer visa-free entry for tourists from 20 major source countries, following the example set by Thailand. Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, disclosed in an interview that the government is discussing the launch of a visa exemption policy to attract more tourists and boost local economic development. Currently, travelers, including short-term tourists, need to secure a visa to visit Indonesia, including the option of Visa on Arrival (VOA) at designated entry points. Taiwanese passport holders can apply for VOA at 15 airports across Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, and Bali, allowing them to stay up to 30 days with a one-time extension option. Given Taiwan’s place within the top 20 sources of foreign tourists to Indonesia, there is a significant chance that it will be included in the visa exemption program. This move could simplify travel for Taiwanese citizens and deepen tourism-based interactions between the two nations.
    2023/12/09 17:09
  • THSR early bird tickets require real-name registration

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will implement an early bird discount program with passenger registration starting from December 1st, with advance purchases available from November 3rd. Passengers who do not present a valid ID will be considered ticketless travelers and charged an additional 50% of the traveled section fare. The early bird discount tickets require the passenger’s national identity card or passport number and can only be used by the person named on the ticket. Changes to the ID number will not be accepted once the early bird reservation is complete.
    2023/10/31 16:03
  • Taiwan passport rises four places in Henley Passport index

    Taiwan passport holders can enjoy visa-free access to 144 countries and territories worldwide, securing the 31st position in the latest Henley Passport Index released on Tuesday, in a tie with Panama and Macau. 
    2023/07/19 16:15
  • 手刀下單!NIKE換季折扣下殺7折 無印即日起享9折

    知名運動品牌NIKE推出「新季換新裝」折扣,有超過800件商品都可以使用優惠碼,享有2件8折、3件7折優惠;無印良品也推出「無印良品週間」活動,到26日起,出示MUJI passport手機APP累積消費,就可以再享9折。
    2023/04/16 14:53
  • 快筆記!台中LaLaport開幕 UQ、無印限定優惠搶先看

    今年過年走春又有新的好去處了!台中市東區購物中心LaLaport將於1月17日起試營運,日系服裝品牌UNIQLO今日宣布攜手集團品牌GU共同打造全新型態的無隔閡賣場,一齊進駐台中三井LaLaport購物中心,將於1/17(二)11:00盛大開幕,開幕期間首三日更有獨家優惠,包括「特級彈性緊身牛仔褲」系列,新店獨家優惠價只要990元等。日系家居服飾品牌無印良品,也正式進駐「Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport 台中」南館1F,是台中地區最大店鋪,17日起到1/20,凡出示MUJI passport手機APP,即享當日單筆消費9折優惠,且於1/29前,單筆消費滿1500元,即贈獨家布製購物袋一個。
    2023/01/16 15:37
  • Taiwan travel lovers hire surrogates to skip cues

    Citizens looking to renew their passports, and save time can purchase a unique application service online.
    2023/01/10 19:56
  • Palau visitors with Taiwanese passports can receive US$100

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Tourists holding Taiwanese passports can receive up to US$100 when visiting Palau from Jan. 4 to March 31. 
    2023/01/04 18:32
  • Thousands of Taiwan citizens apply to renew passports

    Many in Taiwan have plans to go abroad during the Chinese New Year, and the number of citizens reissuing their expired passports has skyrocketed. On weekdays, more than 2,000 numbers were issued for the waiting list. 
    2022/12/16 12:11
  • Honda決定放CR-V大哥撒野! Passport TrailSport亮相

    2021/09/23 15:01
  • 新版護照封面出爐!沒過期也能申請換發 規費1300元

    行政院今天公布新版護照封面,將REPUBLIC OF CHINA字體縮小,改為環繞國徽,並放大TAIWAN字樣,預定在明年1月發行;外交部長吳釗燮強調,把TAIWAN和PASSPORT字樣緊鄰排列,強調為台灣的護照,一看就可以辨識,非常清楚明瞭。
    2020/09/02 12:32
  • 「全球最好用護照出爐」日本今年又奪冠 台灣排名在這

    一向被視為護照使用方便與否的參考的亨利護照指數(Henley Passport Index),2019年排名出爐了!冠、亞軍由亞洲國家包辦,日本還是穩坐冠軍寶座,擁有全球最強大護照;新加坡和韓國並居第二;至於台灣則是以149免簽證國名列第29名。
    2019/01/09 16:49
  • 全球最好用護照 台灣排名第28較去年進步

    根據加拿大國際金融顧問公司阿爾頓資本(Arton Capital)編製的「護照指數排名」(Passport Index),中華民國護照排名第28名,全球最好用護照則是阿拉伯聯合大公國。
    2018/12/04 09:28
  • 一本走天下!全球最強護照排名出爐 日奪冠台排29名

    許多國家互相合作簽訂不必事先申請簽證或落地簽,就能靠一本護照入進,對此倫敦顧問公司(Henley & Partners)週二(9日)就發布的最新「護照指數」(Henley Passport Index)排行,由享有190國免簽與落地簽的日本穩居榜首,台灣則是擁有148國免簽與落地簽,排名全球第29名。
    2018/10/10 13:36
  • 白石麻衣寫真集賣破19萬再版追加中! 女性群眾也愛

    2017/03/16 16:00
  • 英國確定脫歐 Google這3個關鍵字飆高

    英國確定脫離歐盟後,引發全球股災,英鎊更是大幅走貶,不少外商也考慮離開英國,英國首相卡麥隆(David Cameron)也宣布將辭職下台負責。在英國Google搜尋排行榜上「買黃金 Buy Gold」、「取得愛爾蘭護照 getting an Irish passport」以及「移居到直布羅陀 Move to Gibraltar」3個關鍵字搜尋度飆升。
    2016/06/25 18:48
  • 台灣美食紐約巡禮 特色小吃推廣觀光

    為了讓更多人認識台灣,紐約台灣人社團連續15年舉辦Passport to Taiwan活動,台灣的夜市美食、音樂、宗教信仰、客家文化在紐約都看得到,而說到小吃,從香腸、鹹酥雞、碗糕、肉圓、割包,到珍珠奶茶、車輪餅,通通都熱賣。
    2016/05/23 10:42
  • 台鐵「菜英文」 台日觀光護照拼錯3單字

    2016/03/16 11:46
  • ​台灣護照好好用! 全球「強勢護照」排行榜大公開

    (網路新聞中心/沈俐萱) 原來台灣護照好好用,日前國外顧問公司公布「護照效力排名」(Passport Power Rank),台灣護照以109個免簽國名列第28名
    2015/04/20 17:47
  • 【FOCUS新聞】手機界看傻眼 黑莓機獲利翻紅大逆轉

    2014/07/03 22:07
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