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    PU��� 結果共72筆

  • 校慶放彩煙畫面太震撼! 宛如廟會煙霧瀰漫

    2024/04/21 13:32
  • Wu Kang-jen vies for 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards

    Wu K’ang-jen, recent Golden Horse Best Actor winner, nominated for Best Supporting Actor at 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards for role in "Fei Wo Yüeh Yüeh". "A-pang A-ti" competes for Best Asian Chinese Film against "Chu Ma She Ko Ko", "Chia Wo Ssu Ti Shih T’i", "Man Chiang Hung" and "Pu Shou Tu Hsi".
    2024/04/11 17:28
  • Rakuten Monkeys scandal: cheer team agent faces detention

    Former agent of CPBL Rakuten Monkeys’ cheerleading team, Stanley Chen, was arrested by the Taoyuan District Court for private dealings involving the cheerleaders. Chen confessed to breach of trust and misappropriation of business, with evidence supporting serious suspicions, involving approximately NT$26 million. The case was initially reported by the Rakuten Monkeys team to the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office and the Agency Against Corruption in 2023. Chen and the team’s former manager, Pu Wei-ching, were questioned after searches were conducted. Four cheerleaders, business persons, and others were also summoned for statements. Pu was released on bail for NT$500,000, while the prosecutor requested the court to detain Chen.
    2024/02/01 15:25
  • 為拍網美照?女擅闖校園! 檔車輾壓PU跑道

    2024/01/15 18:34
  • 扯!公園暗藏危機 帶孩子玩耍男拖鞋底遭木頭渣刺穿

    2023/12/22 13:30
  • CKS Memorial Hall bans smoking completely

    The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Management Office has announced a comprehensive smoking ban and the elimination of designated smoking areas in order to maintain the integrity of the park’s recreational environment. This decision comes after Taiwanese entertainer Tai Chih-yuan criticized the memorial’s park administration for cutting down trees to establish a smoking zone, which he deemed harmful to the environment. However, the office clarified that the smoking area was established in 2009 and had no connection to the removal of the trees, which were infested with brown root rot disease. The decision to cut down the trees was made to ensure public safety and prevent the spread of the disease to other trees in the area, according to a statement from the office. Once the condition of the trees was confirmed by the Ministry of Agriculture’s Forestry Research Institute, the office promptly provided public notice and carried out necessary operations.
    2023/12/12 13:52
  • King Pu-tsung optimistic about smooth talks between KMT, TPP

    King Pu-tsung expressed optimism for smooth talks between the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) in an upcoming meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to seek cooperation between the parties to remove the current Democratic Progressive Party from office in the upcoming election. King emphasized the importance of exchanging ideas and opinions to find shared values and political ideals.
    2023/10/14 17:05
  • TPP campaign director to discuss cooperation with KMT

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) is set to discuss cooperation with the Kuomintang (KMT) party on Oct. 14, ahead of the forthcoming 2024 presidential elections. The discussions will focus on the potential "Blue-White Cooperation" and will involve representatives from both parties.
    2023/10/12 15:37
  • 怎麼坑坑巴巴?PU球場遭毀 警火速逮嫌

    2023/10/09 12:07
  • 小犬肆虐獅子鄉 籃球架被吹翻「又吹正」

    2023/10/05 19:28
  • KMT, TPP discuss party collaboration: King Pu-tsung

    The campaign manager for KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, King Pu-tsung, has announced discussions on party integration between the KMT and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) are being overseen by KMT Chairman Eric Chu.
    2023/10/02 14:39
  • 《浪姐》「越南第一美女」合體3大咖女星 感情超好網喊羨慕

    大陸節目《浪姐4》(乘風2023),播出後受到不少觀眾的喜愛,台灣女星Ella(陳嘉樺)、賈靜雯、A-Lin(黃麗玲)等也有參與,女星們在節目結束後,仍然會聯繫彼此,並相約姊妹聚會,而其中「越南第一美女」女星芝芙(Chi Pu)更飛到台灣與大家會合。
    2023/07/27 11:18
  • iPhone 15頂規版將成蘋果最貴手機?分析師曝漲價關鍵

    蘋果將在9月發表iPhone 15,傳出官方供應鏈已經開始備貨,海通國際證券分析師Jeff Pu近日表示,iPhone 15 Pro Max的起價將高於iPhone 14 Pro Max,倘若消息屬實,iPhone 15 Pro Max將成為歷來最貴的蘋果手機。
    2023/07/07 12:46
  • Hou Yu-ih announces first, all-male campaign team members

    New Taipei Hou Yu-ih unveiled on Wednesday (June 28) the first five campaign team leaders, including former National Security Council Secretary-General King Pu-tsung, who will serve as the campaign manager.
    2023/06/28 18:10
  • King Pu-tsung hopes DPP scandal brings more awareness

    Former deputy mayor of Taipei, King Pu-tsung, voiced his hopes on Friday (June 2) that the latest political sexual harassment case will bring more awareness to similar issues in Taiwan.
    2023/06/02 18:02
  • 跑道長痘痘?國小操場隆起5處「小山丘」家長憂危險

    2022/11/30 18:39
  • 真的嚇一跳! 國中校園開挖籃球場整修 挖出一具白骨

    2022/11/01 18:26
  • 世新大學操場PU跑道竟「劃滿停車格」 校方:大型活動用

    2021/10/13 12:41
  • Nappa真皮是什麼? 高級車用什麼皮才夠誠意

    2021/02/08 04:00
  • 北市校園遭控歧視 輪椅族「禁用PU跑道」

    2021/01/24 13:37
  • 未成年騎車闖進國小 把「跑道當賽道」飆車

    2021/01/19 15:35
  • PU跑道淪作GP賽道 男揪眾騎機車進校園競速狂飆

    2021/01/19 10:40
  • PU工廠偷排廢氣 遭追繳五年1.1億空汙費

    2021/01/15 19:19
  • 小心腳下!PU跑道龜裂凸起 運動藏危機

    2021/01/05 11:50
  • 跨年夜嗨過頭!鞭炮炸爛500萬軟PU地

    2021/01/04 18:39
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