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    J������ 結果共537筆

  • 婚後淡出演藝圈!曾愷玹新身分曝光 遭大咖攝影師爆「私下面目」

    女星曾愷玹過去因拍攝電影《不能說的秘密》爆紅,2013年嫁給大16歲的圈外男友,育有一女,婚後淡出演藝圈的她,經營起藝術選品店,近日邀請天王、天后級御用時尚攝影師-Mr. Triangle,舉辦《Nothing Else by Mr. Triangle楊佳勳》攝影展,Mr. Triangle也分享了曾愷玹的私下面目。
    2022/12/09 12:11
  • 雙J合體了!林俊傑忌妒「這件事」惡整周杰倫 喊話找阿信玩3人

    2022/12/05 15:33
  • 荷蘭哈克波連3戰進球 媲美「梅西、J羅」身價漲

    2022/11/30 12:01
  • 「魔獸」T1首秀!雲豹、特攻登錄名單出爐 曾文鼎入列

    前NBA球星「魔獸」霍華德(Dwight Howard)重磅加盟T1職籃桃園永豐雲豹,成為台籃史上最大咖洋將,今(19)日他將披上雲豹隊12號球衣,於16:30在主場國立體育大學迎戰聯盟龍頭新北中信特攻,這場眾所矚目的賽事吸引超過J萬5千名球迷到場,兩隊也在稍早公布登錄名單。
    2022/11/19 13:47
  • Classes continue despite heavy rainfall in Taipei

    Taipei has seen heavy rainfalls over the past few days, but despite the strong wind and rain on Monday, students still had to go to class as usual.
    2022/11/18 12:00
  • MLB水手大物新秀毫無懸念 強勢奪下美聯新人王

    MLB水手大物新秀J-Rod羅德里格斯(Julio Rodriguez)今天在票選中狂掃29張第1名選票,強勢奪下美聯新人王獎項;國聯新人王則是勇士外野手哈里斯(Michael Harris)。
    2022/11/15 13:59
  • Taiwanese classrooms to receive 600,000 tablets

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education plans to invest NT20 billion between 2022 and 2025 to promote digital learning in Taiwan. 
    2022/11/14 19:00
  • Taiwan sees an increase in demand for wind power talents

    As the green energy market continues to expand in Taiwan, more demand for related professionals will continue to increase.
    2022/11/13 07:59
  • Taiwanese men open to military service extension

    The extension of mandatory military service has been under discussion for some time in Taiwan. However, the government has yet to announce plans for the possible extension of the conscription system.
    2022/11/12 07:59
  • 美期中選舉/川普加持! 名作家范斯當選俄亥俄州參議員

    美國期中選舉於美東時間8日晚間6點陸續開票,將選出435席聯邦眾議員、35席聯邦參議員、36位州長、各州議會和其他地方官員,選舉結果也陸續出爐。俄亥俄州聯邦參議員席位改選,身兼律師及知名作家的范斯(J. D. Vance),在獲得前總統川普(Donald Trump)背書後,擊敗民主黨籍聯邦眾議員萊恩(Tim Ryan),成功踏入政壇。
    2022/11/09 16:42
  • International rankings of top Taiwanese universities plummet

    National Taiwan University, National Tsinghua University, and National Chiao Tung University are students’ first choices when it comes to higher education. 
    2022/11/08 23:59
  • Why Taiwanese parents choose private school education

    Increasingly more parents in Taiwan prefer private schools instead of public ones when it comes to their children’s education.
    2022/11/07 19:12
  • Prospective homeowners worried at soaring mortgage rates

    Rising interest rates for housing mortgages make owning a home an even more elusive dream for many Taiwanese, including Ms. Chang, an office worker and a mom of three. After being married for over ten years, her family is still unable to buy a house.
    2022/11/06 11:00
  • Borders to reopen for Hong Kong & Macau citizens on Nov. 7

    The Mainland Affairs Council announced on Thursday (Nov. 3) that tourists from Hong Kong and Macao will be able to visit Taiwan via tour groups starting on November 7.
    2022/11/05 09:59
  • 金正恩今朝日本海連環射還疑有ICBM 岸田:絕不寬恕暴行

    2022/11/03 09:49
  • Californian band LANY performs sold out concerts in Taipei

    LANY is the first western band to hold a concert in the country since the start of the pandemic. And it has been five years since the American artists last performed in Taiwan. In an exclusive interview with TVBS, artist Eve Ai made pineapple cakes with LANY, sharing a unique Taiwanese experience with the Californian band.
    2022/11/02 19:49
  • Taiwan’s 9-in-1 elections scheduled on Nov. 26

    The nine-in-one elections are just a month away in Taiwan. On November 26, eligible voters will cast their ballots at their local polling stations.
    2022/11/02 16:07
  • Taipei Zoo Panda Tuan Tuan waiting for Chinese medical help

    Mainland China sent two giant pandas, Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, to Taiwan in 2008 during Jason Yeh’s tenure as the director of the Taipei Zoo. The former city official expressed concerns on Monday that Tuan Tuan was recently diagnosed with a brain lesion, meaning that the endangered animal’s health is under threat.
    2022/11/02 10:43
  • Taiwan schools incorporate AI tools in language teaching

    In this Taiwanese Hokkien class, students learn to read from their textbooks and some new tablets that use AI pronunciation tools to help students learn. After detecting the student’s voices, the AI system can translate and help them improve their Taiwanese Hokkien pronunciation.
    2022/10/28 19:22
  • Industries in Taiwan have taken a hit due to the pandemic

    Taiwan(TVBS News) - Kaka is a restaurant manager who took over a hot pot restaurant around the time when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
    2022/10/28 16:57
  • Xiaoliuqiu residents pick up waste along the coast

    Gathered on the coast of Xiaoliuqiu, these are not tourists. Rather, they are volunteers, reaching into the deep crevices between rocks, picking up garbage. These coastal cleanup volunteers are local inhabitants. Bed and breakfast owners, watersport coaches, and restaurant employees, all joined together here, to help clean up around the coast. 
    2022/10/27 17:49
  • Taiwan companies create hi-tech drones for Defense Ministry

    From military reconnaissance to agricultural exploration, the technicians from the national-level UAV production and assembly line do their best to customize the drones and UAVs according to specifications from the Ministry of National Defense.
    2022/10/25 20:11
  • Taiwan allocates NT$200 million for Arts Fun vouchers

    Taiwanese youth above 18 years old will likely receive NT$1,200 worth of Arts Fun vouchers as early as next year to encourage them to spend on arts and culture, according to the Ministry of Culture.
    2022/10/25 19:54
  • Public puzzled at Zhongshan MRT station’s new designs

    Taipei Metro recently renovated the Zhongshan MRT Station, offering a new sleeker design with a more simplistic look. However, the changes in the ticketing area have received a backlash, with many calling the new designs "confusing" and "not user-friendly."
    2022/10/22 00:10
  • Kevin Rudd warns of dangers of U.S.-China conflict

    At the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping said that the PRC will continue to strive for peaceful reunification, but the country won’t promise to renounce the use of force. Speaking with TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu, Kevin Rudd shared his take on Taiwan and China’s relationship and its effects on the world. 
    2022/10/20 22:12
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