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  • 韓國猛男秀在台北!女粉臉埋大胸肌直呼刺激 「1福利」羞到腿軟

    由韓國的6位身材健美歐巴主演的《Physical Touch》猛男秀,上週末在高雄成功演出後,本週末4月20日、21日將移師台北WESTAR舉辦。除原有的4場75分鐘演出外,420日晚上9點加開僅限18歲以上女性觀眾的60分鐘「派對場」,所有購票者都可與6位猛男歐巴Free Hug,可謂福利滿滿、誘惑力十足。
  • 「最省油車」排行出爐!日本雙田強勢霸榜 第一名還是它

  • 法日聯手!電影《日安,朵朵》打造「另類鬼故事」

    失去摯愛親人的痛,要走出來非常不容易,電影《日安,朵朵》描述一名法國女作家,喪夫後失去寫作動力,收到日本出版社打算再版成名小說的邀約,來到日本展開一段異鄉之旅,卻開始頻頻看見亡夫的鬼魂,她從驚嚇到接受,最後找回開朗的自我。由法國大滿貫影后伊莎貝‧雨蓓(Isabelle Huppert)挑大樑,飾演法國女作家在日本遇到文化差異的不適應,發生許多有趣的插曲,讓這部講述「人鬼故事」的電影,充滿幽默和溫馨。
  • 松嶋菜菜子驚曝白髮老態! 西島秀俊5月退社「親吐22年心聲」

    Hami Video日前宣布將在4月陸續獨家播出朝日電視台特別篇系列,其中《黃金之刻》由日本影帝西島秀俊蓄鬍演出,他化身為「東洋鐘錶之王」,飾演Seiko鐘錶創辦人服部金太郎,並找來松嶋菜菜子飾演一路上支持著服部金太郎事業的賢妻,搭配「靈魂歌姬」米希亞特別為該劇譜寫的主題曲,可說是名符其實的「黃金組合」!許多劇迷看完後大讚:「太享受這個故事了!」、「想要連續看下去,結果一集就結束了,時間也過太快!」
  • Taipei’s estern district hit by unexpected blackout

    A power outage in Taipei’s Eastern District, including the Daan District, affected 722 households and disrupted businesses on the evening of April 18. Taipower is investigating the cause, linked to a tripped circuit breaker, and aims to restore power by early April 19. The incident underscores the critical need for reliable electricity in the city’s vibrant areas.
  • 肛門癌發病率急升!「這疫苗」男性也必打 末期恐無藥可醫

  • Intensive care continues for four from food poisoning

    Deputy Minister Victory Wang provides an update on the Polam Kopitam food poisoning outbreak in Taipei. Four patients remain in critical condition, with one undergoing a liver transplant and another needing ECMO treatment due to severe complications.
  • Taoyuan faces power crisis: aging infrastructure to blame

    Explore the challenges Taoyuan City faces with power outages, as Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-chu addresses equipment failure, aging infrastructure, and the indirect role of power shortages. Amidst public dissatisfaction and the impact on industries and healthcare, Taoyuan confronts the realities of climate change and growing demands on its electricity supply.
  • President Tsai honors TSMC’s Morris Chang with top award

    President Tsai Ing-wen awards Morris Chang, TSMC founder, the Order of Dr. Sun Yat-sen for his contributions to Taiwan’s global standing and semiconductor industry, highlighting his role as a key figure in Taiwan’s economic development and international prominence.
  • Cho Jung-tai unveils new faces in Taiwan’s Executive Yuan

    Discover the latest personnel appointments by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai for the Executive Yuan, including key positions in the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare, the Hakka Affairs Council, the Council of Indigenous Peoples, and the Ministry of Environment. This announcement follows President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for a "Healthy Taiwan" and showcases a commitment to diversity and expertise in the new cabinet.
  • TSMC chips lead the way in energy savings and net-zero goals

    Discover how Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is leading the way in energy-saving technology, with chips that save 6.8 kilowatt-hours for every kilowatt-hour used in production. Learn about TSMC’s commitment to net-zero strategies, including advancing their 100% renewable energy goal to 2040, and their collaboration with ITRI to measure their environmental impact.
  • Investments in SE Asia soar as market potential grows

    Taiwanese companies are increasing their investments in Southeast Asian countries, capitalizing on the region’s rising consumer purchasing power and strategic economic opportunities. Investments under the New Southbound Policy have seen a dramatic increase in 2024, with significant contributions from key players like Foxconn.
  • 明天攻雄蛋!動力火車突報喜「5月小巨蛋見」 同場阿信最愛女團

    「2024 hito流行音樂獎」頒獎典禮將在5月25日台北小巨蛋閃耀登場,今(19)日公布新一波卡司,是金曲搖滾天團「動力火車」確認出席,帶來「絕對音樂」特別表演。往年「絕對音樂」表演都是典禮最高潮,同時也事討論度最高、收視率亮點所在,動力火車表示特別打造了「絕對音樂」限定列車,打算火力全開,車拚全場。
  • 台積電崩跌7%法說變法會 財經網美喊「越跌越買」曝理由

  • Taiwan’s SEF awaits China’s ARATS response on capsized boat

    The Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) has not received a response from the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) about a speedboat capsizing near Kinmen. SEF Chair David Lee calls for pragmatic dialogue between both sides of the strait, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the people’s safety. The incident involved an unidentified Chinese vessel and has resulted in a soldier from Kinmen being stranded in China, with efforts ongoing to facilitate his return.
  • Wang Mei-hua endorses successor ahead of cabinet change

    Outgoing Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua praises successor J.W. Kuo for his international perspective as he prepares to take over the ministerial role, emphasizing his commitment to public service. The transition comes as President-elect Lai Ching-te prepares to take office, drawing public attention to the new cabinet selection.
  • Significant rainfall possible next week

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including minimal rainfall, rising temperatures, and sunny skies for the upcoming weekend. Special warnings for Taitung and potential heavy rainfall next week are highlighted by the Central Weather Administration.
  • Kosovo delegation visits Taiwan to strengthen bilateral ties

    Explore the strengthening of Taiwan-Kosovo relations as former Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti visits Taiwan, aiming to foster deeper ties in democracy, economy, and education. This significant visit, marked by discussions on cooperation and shared democratic values, underscores both nations’ commitment to advancing bilateral relations and international participation.
  • 宋柏緯化身「神明代言人」 親揭起乩背後秘辛​​​​

    由宋柏緯、夏騰宏、初孟軒三帥合演的藝術劇情長片《環南時候》(The Time of Huannan),今(19)日釋出的正式預告,由「環南四少」中唯一女性,也是西門町百貨千金的王渝屏揭開序幕,而明明是由宋柏緯、夏騰宏、初孟軒、王渝屏四人組成「環南四少」,但在1991年的一張照片裡,卻只有宋柏緯、初孟軒、王渝屏三人。
  • 伊朗怒嗆「若攻擊核設施將發展核武」 美方:從未對以色列開綠燈

    伊朗於13日對以色列發動大規模無人機和飛彈襲擊,使中東地區緊張局勢升溫,今(19)日清晨再傳出伊朗境內與敘利亞、伊拉克等地遭到空襲攻擊。而遭到攻擊的伊朗伊斯法罕地區,正是該國重要核設施的所在地。此前,伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊指揮官—哈克塔拉布(Ahmad Haqtalab)曾強調,若以色列對伊朗核設施採取行動,以色列的核設施也將淪為攻擊目標,且伊朗方將發展核武以自保。
  • NBA/「宇宙艇」備戰季後賽卻傳壞消息 雷納德首戰出賽成疑

    NBA洛杉磯快艇本季迎來哈登(James Harden)加盟,在度過初期的磨合亂流後,逐漸打出「宇宙艇」的氣勢,例行賽結束取得西區第4種子,將對戰第5種子達拉斯獨行俠,不過近日快艇卻傳出壞消息,頭號球星雷納德(Kawhi Leonard)受到膝傷困擾,季後賽首戰無法確定是否出賽。
  • 轎車「港公路連環撞」!車體零件全噴飛 駕駛3人宣告不治

  • 台灣妞約前夫喝咖啡!聽「離婚傳言」突曝真相 竟因這事斬13年婚

    遠嫁南韓的台灣女孩「台灣妞」與「喜娜」,共同經營YouTube頻道「High A Day」,主要分享當地美食、怪談、美妝等話題,擁有59.2萬訂閱的超高人氣,然而,台灣妞日前坦承離婚,如今離婚原因曝光,笑翻眾網友。
  • 福特「7代黑野馬」現身台灣街頭!V8心臟、500匹馬力 最快今年上市

    7代野馬Ford Mustang,繼去年「電動野馬」Mustang Mach-E發表會以及今年度媒體餐敘活動中無預警現身後,再度於台北街頭現蹤。不過此次現身的大改款野馬新車,不是先前出現過的Mustang GT 5.0 V8車型,而是產品定位與性能都更上一層樓的Mustang Dark Horse Premium「黑馬」版本!兩款搭載5.0升自然進氣V8動力心臟的7代野馬都已經在國內現身,讓人好奇跟Mustang GT Premium、Mustang Dark Horse Premium一同出現在車輛安全網上的Mustang EcoBoost Premium (2.3升渦輪增壓) 入門車型,應該也會同步在台上市吧?
  • ’Wandering in Taitung’ showcases Taiwan’s beauty in Tokyo

    Explore how Taitung County’s recent tourism promotion event in Tokyo aimed to captivate Japanese visitors with the region’s natural beauty and cultural offerings.
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