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    CAA 結果共13筆

  • 獨/大聯盟新人王有望訪台? 經紀公司:符合這條件樂觀其成

    MLB台美混血好手「卡仔」卡洛爾(Corbin Carroll)去年達到25轟、50盜里程碑,是大聯盟史上首位在菜鳥年創此成就的球員,傑出表現率領響尾蛇一路晉級世界大賽,全票奪下國聯新人王,亮眼成績有目共睹。「卡仔」經紀公司Creative Artists Agency(簡稱CAA)向台灣合作夥伴怕菲克表示,選手都有一個價碼,若符合價碼的要求,經紀公司樂觀其成,有望讓卡仔來台和台灣粉絲見面。
    2024/01/11 18:05
  • Taiwan prepares for Lunar New Year rush with extra flights

    Bookings for additional flights to Taiwan’s outlying islands during the Lunar New Year holiday will open next Tuesday, according to the Civil Aviation Administration. The first wave of extra flights and regularly scheduled flights have been available for booking since December 5. The upcoming Spring Festival rush will see 6,646 seats available for Penghu routes and 4,334 seats for Kinmen routes. The number of additional seats for Matsu has not been disclosed, but the total number of extra seats reaches nearly 11,980. Travelers are reminded to issue their tickets within three days of booking to facilitate airline companies in managing reservations. The CAA also advises that seats are still available for off-peak dates and times across various routes.
    2023/12/20 21:36
  • MOTC steps in as EVA Air pilots seek bonus talks

    The story discusses the ongoing demands of EVA Air pilots for open dialogue with their employer regarding year-end bonuses and salary adjustments. The Civil Aviation Administration (CAA) is facilitating communication to resolve the issue. The union of Taoyuan International Airport Services Company (TIAS) released a statement criticizing the significant disparities in year-end bonuses between subsidiary companies and the parent company, with the former receiving one month’s worth and the latter receiving three. EVA Air ground staff discovered that their union had been dominated by management, leading to a petition to join the union and resulting in additional incentive payouts. The TIAS union expressed solidarity with the EVA Air ground staff and argued that subsidiary company employees should not face discriminatory treatment, and that annual bonus calculations and salary adjustments should align with the practices at the parent company.
    2023/12/19 22:15
  • Kaohsiung Airport’s new terminal advances

    The Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) announced on Friday (Dec. 8) the progression of Kaohsiung Airport’s new terminal. With the preliminary engineering’s essential design phase completed, the project is set to be tendered, according to CAA official Lin Hung-hsien. The new terminal at Kaohsiung Airport marks the largest construction project following Taoyuan International Airport’s third terminal. This infrastructure advancement reflects Taiwan’s push to modernize its aviation facilities and enhance passenger capacity.
    2023/12/09 14:00
  • 尹汝貞簽約美知名公司!與布萊德彼特同門 韓媒一詞秒笑噴

    2023/01/12 05:00
  • 暖化幫凶?無人卻照常起飛 英5千「幽靈航班」惹怒環團

    英國民航局(CAA)最近公佈一份統計報告,從2019年至今、該國竟然有超過5000架次無人搭乘的「幽靈航班」,另有將近3.5萬個航班只搭載不到10%乘客,《衛報》(The Guardians)曝光這份數據後,讓大批環保團體非常憤怒,認為這些航空公司和政府放任此類情形發生,根本是為「地球暖化」盡一份心力。
    2022/09/29 13:40
  • 台塑德州廠遭控違反美國空汙法 民事和解金台幣7900萬

    台塑公司(Formosa Plastics Corporation)為於美國德州康福特(Point Comfort)的石化工廠在2013及2015年曾發生多起火警、爆炸等公安事故,造成多名員工受傷。因此被控違反多項聯邦「清潔空氣法案」(CAA)。美國司法部13日宣布,台塑已同意支付285萬美元(約7891萬新台幣)進行民事賠償。  
    2021/09/14 12:58
  • 禁飛令解除 波音737 MAX睽違22個月重返歐洲天際

    美國波音737 MAX型客機接連發生兩起致命空難遭停飛22個月後,歐盟航空安全總署(EASA)與英國民航局(CAA)今天解除禁令,批准波音737 MAX重返歐洲天際。
    2021/01/28 15:39
  • 富邦、台哥大搶影視! 投資好萊塢經紀公司

    2017/10/05 17:37
  • 富邦集團投資CAA 金額逾15億要送投審會

    2017/10/05 17:00
  • 台灣大7.8億投資CAA 跨界進軍娛樂市場

    2017/10/05 14:50
  • 快訊/富邦集團攜手「好萊塢」 投資經紀公司CAA

    2017/10/05 12:49
  • 美龍頭經紀招手 「小胖」攻美可待

    2010/04/25 11:09
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