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    高中生大同技術學院退場天氣雙颱工資加倍中秋不二糕餅 國寶葡萄桑颱風中秋高乘載管制
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    Brown line 結果共4筆

  • KMT candidate vows to build Taoyuan Metro Brown Line

    Kuomintang presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, pledges to start construction of the Taoyuan Metro Brown Line within a year if elected. Former Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan is criticized for not fulfilling his promise to begin construction by 2022.
    2023/10/04 14:38
  • Taipei MRT to tackle Wenhu line’s commuting issues

    Taipei’s Wenhu line (Brown line) will extend its peak time by an hour and install additional seats to alleviate congestion during commutes starting on Saturday (Feb. 18).
    2023/02/18 18:27
  • LINE FRIENDS台北101集合 13處打卡點萌爆

    春節必去!台北101首度和韓國IP LINE FRIENDS WORLD合作舉辦垂直樂園特展,於購物中心和觀景台內推出LINE FRIENDS明星群、LINE FRIENDS minini系列共13個超萌打卡點,4米高的「MEGA BROWN-巨型熊大玩偶」也座落在購物中心大門,特展從明日起開始登場,觀景台也有推出LINE FRIENDS套票,加贈手持氣球、木製裝飾組夾或明信片等可愛贈品。
    2023/01/19 11:16
  • Delayed MRT disrupts commuters’ journey to work

    At 8:31 Friday morning, the MRT Line heading into Neihu suffered a malfunction, resulting in crowds of commuters stuck inside stations unsure of their next step.
    2022/09/23 19:49
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