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  • 搜尋:

    ARM 結果共24筆

  • AI恐成吃電巨獸? 搜一次ChatGPT耗電量等於10次谷歌

    晶片大廠安謀(Arm)執行長哈斯(Rene Haas)警告,如果人工智慧(AI)的能力持續增強,且在能源效率沒有提升,增設數據中心之舉,可能會消耗各國極大量的電力儲備。哈斯透露,雖然當前美國本土的AI數據中心,僅消耗4%的電力,但預期到2030年,這個新興熱門項目,將消耗全美20到25%的電力供應。在他看來,會導致這種現象,必須歸咎於大型語言模型(LLM),像是ChatGPT或谷歌Gemini,這些模型會在電力消耗上出現「貪得無厭」的情況。
    2024/04/10 12:01
  • 谷歌聯手安謀推自研AI晶片 輝達臉綠股價下挫2%

    2024/04/10 10:27
  • Tainan City takes swift action after sinkhole chaos

    Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che vows to hold construction firms accountable for a sinkhole incident in the West Central District, ensuring city residents’ safety. The collapse, caused by a construction site road failure, led to a truck sinking into a 15x5x3-meter sinkhole and a crane arm falling, damaging traffic signs and buildings. The city government swiftly filled the hole with grout, resumed traffic, and imposed a fine on the negligent construction company. Huang Long Construction faces scrutiny for premature construction steps, prompting safety checks and an improvement plan before work can resume.
    2024/03/07 17:28
  • Pop star G.E.M. turns fangirl for Beckham at Tatler XFEST

    Hong Kong pop star G.E.M. caused a frenzy at Tatler XFEST in Hong Kong when she converted from performer to superfan, requesting an autograph and a photo with soccer star David Beckham. Clad in a pink jersey, G.E.M. spotted Beckham during her performance and promptly approached him, asking him to sign the back of her jersey. In an impromptu moment, Beckham agreed and signed "To G.E.M.," posing for a photo with his arm around her shoulder. The event sparked widespread social media commentary, with fans embracing G.E.M’s fangirl moment and expressing envy. Internet users appeared united in their admiration for G.E.M.’s unabashed fandom.
    2024/02/05 11:58
  • Biden signs defense act to boost Taiwan’s self-defense

    U.S. President Joe Biden has signed the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY2024 NDAA), which includes a comprehensive training program for Taiwan’s military. The program aims to enhance Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities and will be overseen by the U.S. Secretary of Defense. The legislation, which has received approval from both houses of the U.S. Congress, allocates a total of US$886 billion for this purpose. The training program will focus on layered defense, asymmetric defense strategies, cross-communication between the U.S. and Taiwan’s military, information sharing, and the improvement of professional military education and civilian control over the military. Additionally, the act emphasizes collaboration between the U.S. and Taiwan on military cyber security and requires regular updates on Taiwan arm sales proceedings. It also mandates the Secretary of Defense to submit biannual reports to Congress on the military developments of the People’s Republic of China, particularly in areas such as Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the South China Sea, covering topics such as weapon upgrades, procurement, and military operations.
    2023/12/23 12:34
  • Chiu Kuo-cheng downplays U.S. arms sale concerns

    Taiwan’s Defense Minister, Chiu Kuo-cheng, has announced that the Ministry of National Defense (MND) is preparing to strengthen its military in order to prevent war. This comes after Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed dissatisfaction with U.S. arms sales to Taiwan during his meeting with President Joe Biden. Chiu stated that Taiwanese military officers will continue to visit and learn from their U.S. counterparts, regardless of the circumstances. He downplayed concerns about the sale of ammunition, emphasizing that Taiwan is not intentionally arming itself but rather engaging in normal operations. Despite Xi’s denial of plans for military action against Taiwan in 2027 or 2035, Chiu emphasized that the Taiwanese military will not set a target year solely based on Xi’s statements. The MND will maintain a vigilant stance and be prepared for any situation without anticipating military conflicts in specific years.
    2023/11/20 18:36
  • MND responds to call for arming Taiwanese citizens

    The All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency, in collaboration with Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of the Interior, is working to enhance citizens’ defense capability in response to a legislator’s proposal to arm every citizen in Taiwan. This comes as the Republic of China faces frequent military exercises from mainland China, leading to increased tensions in the Taiwan Strait. Authorities pledge to adjust civil defense team grouping to achieve the concept of all-out defense.
    2023/11/05 20:53
  • 安謀風光上市!首日大漲近25% 美今年最大規模IPO

    軟銀集團旗下的安謀國際科技公司(Arm Holdings)今天股價勁揚,相較那斯達克交易所初次公開募股(IPO)定價大漲近25%,重燃投資人對欲振乏力的IPO市場出現好轉的希望。
    2023/09/15 10:38
  • 重要夥伴安謀美IPO倒數 台積電:本周決定是否投資

    軟銀集團旗下的英國晶片設計商安謀(Arm Holdings Ltd.),計畫透過公開募股(Initial Public Offering,IPO)籌資最多48.7億美元,可能成為2021年底來美國最大的IPO;而晶圓代工巨頭台積電董事長劉德音透露,Arm公司是台積電技術和客戶生態系的重要組成部分,期盼該公司能健康運作,將於本周決定是否投資。
    2023/09/06 17:41
  • 醫療福音!仿生手臂取代義肢 AI收訊號.中風癱者能「說話」

    2023/09/04 19:55
  • 傳英特爾與安謀協商 爭取成為IPO錨定投資者

    知情人士今天告訴路透社,英特爾(Intel)正在與日本軟銀集團旗下英國晶片設計大廠安謀(Arm Ltd)協商,希望成為安謀首次在美國市場公開募股(IPO)的錨定投資者。
    2023/06/13 15:09
  • 每人都要記牢!冒這「3關鍵症狀」恐是腦中風 立馬送醫勿延遲

    2023/05/21 16:17
  • 泰女歌手訪韓開唱 意外助警狂逮158同鄉自責哭了

    泰國人氣女歌手「Arm Chutima」日前在南韓酒吧舉辦演唱會,沒想到卻演變成大型「貓捉老鼠」現場。南韓警方一舉查獲多達近160名前去追星的非法移工,還得出動大型巴士才有辦法將人送往拘留所。對於自己意外協助警察辦案一事,Arm Chutima事後也在社群平台上發文道歉,表示她非常自責。
    2023/03/31 16:30
  • 主管機關反對 輝達放棄收購英國晶片商ARM

    英國「金融時報」(Financial Times)今天報導,由於主管機關持續反對,美國輝達公司(Nvidia)放棄以400億美元向日本軟銀集團收購英國晶片設計商ARM。
    2022/02/08 15:25
  • 美國FTC興訟 阻擋輝達400億美元併購安謀案

    美國監管當局今天提起訴訟,阻擋繪圖晶片巨擘輝達(NVIDIA)和行動晶片科技大廠安謀(Arm Ltd)價值400億美元合併案,深怕兩家企業合併後將破壞競爭環境。
    2021/12/03 14:52
  • 美參議員提《武裝台灣法》 打造不對稱戰力對抗大陸 

    總統蔡英文今出席F-16V戰機聯隊成軍典禮,新型戰機可望有效提升我國空防戰力。美國參議院軍事委員會參議員霍利(Josh Hawley)11月初也提出2021年版《武裝台灣法》(Arm Taiwan Act),目的為確保台灣有足以對抗中國入侵的不對稱戰力。美國外交專家阿博多(Sam Abodo)認為,有鑒於北京對台施壓力道日益增大,美國會必須抓緊時間,加快通過《武裝台灣法》。
    2021/11/18 16:39
  • 400億美元收購安謀 輝達向大陸申請監管批准

    2021/06/09 09:45
  • 大陸去ARM化 台IP廠迎轉單

    2020/09/19 08:00
  • 全球最強!日本「富岳」奪超級電腦冠軍

    2020/06/24 19:56
  • 習近平稱展開「新長征」 喻貿易如長期抗戰

    2019/05/23 20:09
  • Panasonic跟進封殺! 宣布停止與華為交易

    2019/05/23 10:58
  • 網安危機 Intel晶片瑕疵容駭客偷密碼

    2018/01/05 20:46
  • MacBook更省電? 傳蘋果開發新晶片

    2017/02/02 14:37
  • 智慧望遠鏡「5min定位北極星」 學生設計吸睛!

    2014/11/06 14:55
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