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    ���Bike 結果共104筆

  • New Taipei City accelerates YouBike upgrade

    The New Taipei City Government Transportation Department completes the upgrade of YouBike 1.0 stations to 2.0 in Tamsui, Xindian, and Xizhi districts. The city aims to finish the citywide upgrade by October 2024, integrating public bicycle resources in the Taipei-Taipei-Taoyuan area.
    2024/03/27 12:51
  • Taipei struggles with bike demand after free ride policy

    Discover how Taipei’s reintroduction of free 30-minute YouBike rides aims to streamline city transportation amid the challenges of meeting increased demand and ensuring sufficient bike availability. The city’s plan to expand the service seeks to enhance convenience and address concerns.
    2024/03/25 18:07
  • Taipei to reoffer free 30-minute YouBike rides

    The Taipei City Department of Transportation will announce the implementation date of the free 30-minute YouBike rental policy after the 2024 budget is passed. The policy aims to reduce carbon emissions by 40% and increase the use of green transportation to 70% by 2030. It was previously implemented in 2012 but ended in 2015. A public opinion poll in 2023 showed support for the policy among motorcyclists and the YouBike community, with over 60% of motorcyclists willing to switch to using YouBike for short trips. To address potential bike shortages, the department has added 1,780 bikes in May and 1,500 bikes in December 2023, increasing the availability of bikes citywide from 80% to 90%. In 2024, the department plans to add another 6,000 YouBikes and improve scheduling and personnel to meet the increased demand.
    2024/01/05 18:11
  • 國稅局遇襲!他「繳不起罰金」怒砸玻璃門 騎U-Bike逃走

    2023/12/09 23:58
  • Taoyuan to upgrade bike renting system to YouBike 2.0

    The Taoyuan City Department of Transportation will upgrade the YouBike public bicycle system to YouBike 2.0. Construction will begin in November 2021 and the system is expected to be fully operational by the first half of 2024. Currently, Taoyuan operates 416 sites with 13,450 bikes in circulation, and the system has been used over 72 million times. The upgrade will start in Guishan District, near New Taipei’s Linkou District, and a "dual system" operation will be adopted during the conversion period from 2024 to 2025. The 1.0 system will be decommissioned by the end of 2025.
    2023/11/20 17:40
  • 永和警處理違停遭「亮刀攔路」 單車男狂嗆:想回去吃牢飯 

    2023/10/23 15:47
  • YouBike to compensate breach victims with NT$500 vouchers

    YouBike announces NT$500 voucher compensation for over 40,000 victims of May’s security breaches. Vouchers valid until Dec. 31, 2024, with enhanced cybersecurity measures in place. Stay secure with YouBike.
    2023/09/22 21:23
  • 加州酒吧傳大規模槍擊!兇手為「退休警官」11人中彈釀4死

    美國加州1間知名「摩托車酒吧」(Bike Bar)23日驚傳大規模槍擊案,除了至少有11人中槍,還造成4人死亡,至於行兇槍手疑似是一名已退休的執法人員,事件起因則似乎是他與妻子之間的家庭糾紛導致衝突升級,目前當地警方和聯邦調查局(FBI)已著手展開調查。
    2023/08/24 12:52
  • YouBike to host recruitment fair to improve service

    YouBike announced plans on Thursday (July 13) to hire more paid part-time bike dispatchers and sanitation workers as users of the public bike-sharing system in Taipei City have reported empty bike racks or no available spaces to return the bikes.
    2023/07/14 16:11
  • YouBike promises compensation plan after cyberattacks

    Taiwan’s prominent public bike rental service, YouBike, has suffered two successive cyber attacks in recent weeks, compromising the personal information of over 40,000 members — twice the number initially reported. The alarming breach has prompted authorities to launch a comprehensive investigation and call upon the company to take immediate measures to mitigate risks.
    2023/05/24 11:12
  • 2023大甲媽祖遶境前 六大媽祖開路萬眾騎Bike

    2023/03/18 22:37
  • Woman charged over US$180 for YouBike rental 4 years later

    YouBike charged a Taiwanese woman over US$187 (NT$5700) for not returning the YouBike after usage four years ago. 
    2023/01/12 18:20
  • 交通建設互酸!嗆黃偉哲抄政見 譏謝龍介製造交通流量

    2022/11/04 19:42
  • 竹北公24興隆公園開放! 「7大區」小孩瘋玩

    為了提供更多優質和多元的遊戲空間,新竹縣改造22座特色公園,其中竹北市公24興隆公園,在今天(9日)正式開放,還全新竹地區最長的200公尺Push Bike跑道,吸引家長帶孩子來。
    2022/07/09 21:00
  • 竹北興隆公園7/9開放 多元遊具增進五感體驗

    新竹縣政府改造竹北市公24興隆公園,設置Push Bike區、蝴蝶攀爬網等,縣長楊文科今天表示,公園內遊具很多元,增進孩子的五感體驗,7月9日正式開放。
    2022/06/29 17:05
  • 「世界裸騎日」又來了!千人裸體救地球 人比反疫苗遊行多

    世界裸騎日(World naked bike ride day)是為改善城市交通、呼籲環保的紀念日,於每年6月的第二個星期六登場,當天在英國倫敦、加拿大多倫多,數千名騎士頂著豔陽,僅裸體或畫上人體彩繪,勇敢地騎上街頭,用另類的方式為地球發聲,希望他們有記得擦防曬!
    2022/06/13 13:13
  • 上千民眾開騎95公里 提前暖身大甲媽遶境

    2022/03/12 21:29
  • 顧環保!環保署擬推草案 連鎖速食店、超商未來須設「免費循環杯」

    2022/01/25 23:04
  • 把機車停進桌子底下! 日本電動摺疊車讓你再也不必找車位

    2021/10/26 16:56
  • Ubike車籃撿到信封 女大生打開嚇慘:是我的照片

    2021/10/25 14:52
  • 韓國瑜政績奪「高雄最有感建設」 他嘆:2年贏10年

    2021/04/20 18:40
  • 萬眾騎Bike 單車暢遊台中媽祖文化地圖

    2021/03/06 23:19
  • 能越野的Taycan登場 純電跨界旅行車性能強還更實用

    在官方大量預告湧出後,保時捷終於迎來Taycan家族第二款作品,同時也是市場上首款純電動跨界旅行車:Taycan Cross Turismo的發表,並且一口氣推出4、4S、Turbo以及旗艦Turbo S的完整編成選擇。
    2021/03/05 01:02
  • 意外捕獲AIT酈英傑! 黃偉哲讚行銷台南最厲害

    2021/02/16 19:02
  • 這眼神看進我的靈魂深處! 山葉Vinoora發表售價76,300元起

    Yamaha於10月14日發表了Vinoora、Vinoora M兩款車型後,「獨特」的頭燈與車頭設計引起大量網路討論!乍看之下,它有點像「小小兵」及「嚕嚕米」等卡通角色,喜歡與否就見仁見智了,但不得不承認,Vinoora車系的「雙環大燈設計」確實承襲了1991年的概念車-「Concept bike Frog」,車名則彷彿由已停產的Vino車系演變而來。
    2020/10/15 18:27
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