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    ������ZI 結果共6筆

  • 美議員狂問有無加入中共 TikTok執行長:我來自新加坡

    新加坡籍的TikTok首席執行官周受資(Chew Shou Zi),上週三(1月31日)再次出現在美國國會,因其與中國的關係被多次詢問。他與其他大型社交媒體公司領導者,一起受到美國參議員的嚴厲質問,議員們為了解決家長和心理健康專家,對社交媒體公司確保其平台不傷害兒童的保護措施。
    2024/02/01 13:24
  • Civic groups call for end to violence against women

    Several civic groups in Taiwan, including the Modern Women’s Foundation and the Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH), are urging presidential candidates to prioritize violence prevention as an investment to end violence against women. According to the United Nations, one-third of women globally experience physical or sexual abuse at least once in their lives. The Modern Women’s Foundation Executive Secretary, Wu Zi-ying, highlighted the lack of investigation on these issues within Taiwan. Social work and policy professor Wang Pei-ling revealed that around 70 percent of individuals aged 18 to 74 in Taiwan have experienced online gender-based violence, with image-based violence accounting for 4.6 percent. Wang also emphasized the increasing number of male victims, which now stands at 20 percent. GOH CEO Wang Yueh-hao called on the government to promote interdepartmental initiatives and establish think tanks for gender violence prevention, emphasizing that gender violence is a violation of human rights.
    2023/12/07 19:33
  • Financial analyst says TikTok threat isn’t about privacy

    The controversy surrounding ByteDance’s TikTok app continues as the U.S. Congress pushes to ban the popular video-sharing platform, and TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before lawmakers. 
    2023/04/04 16:32
  • 臉書實習生到TikTok執行長 周受資獨扛議員砲火一戰而紅

    面對美國動輒威脅禁用TikTok,親上火線赴美國會解釋的執行長周受資(Shou Zi Chew),雖然遭受議員苛刻發問,卻讓他成為美媒重點人物,好奇他的背景、以及是如何成為新興社群掌門人的故事。《哥倫比亞電視台》(CBS)報導,來自新加坡、擁有哈佛商學院(Harvard Business School)學歷的周受資,曾是臉書新創實習生之一,後曾任創投公司和小米,直到2021年在字節跳動(ByteDance)創辦人張一鳴邀請下加盟,僅兩月就出任抖音執行長至今。
    2023/03/24 11:28
  • TikTok允諾將遵守歐盟法規 維護隱私與兒童安全

    短影音分享平台TikTok執行長周受資(Shou Zi Chew)今天訪問布魯塞爾時,試圖向歐盟保證TikTok將尊重歐盟日益嚴格的科技規定,並履行維護隱私權與兒童安全的承諾。
    2023/01/11 10:40
  • 從娃娃抓起 上海強制垃圾分類也有幼幼商機

    2019/07/02 16:46
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