Measles outbreak in Taiwan raises public health alarm
A measles outbreak in central Taiwan has led to 16 confirmed cases, affecting public transport systems. Dr. Chen Chih-chin stresses vaccination and vigilance.
2025/01/10 13:10
Taiwan CDC confirms eighth severe enterovirus case
Taiwan’s CDC confirms a severe enterovirus case in a newborn, marking the eighth this year. The infant, infected with Coxsackievirus B3, has been treated and discharged. Health officials stress hygiene to curb the outbreak.
2024/12/10 16:32
Taiwan CDC reports decade-high enterovirus cases
Taiwan’s CDC reports a decade-high in enterovirus cases, with 26,077 visits last week. The outbreak, led by coxsackie A16, may peak in mid-December.
2024/11/27 11:03
Taiwan aims to boost pork exports after swine fever win
Taiwan aims to expand its pork exports after being declared free from African swine fever by the World Organisation for Animal Health. Premier Cho Jung-tai announced efforts to enter markets in the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia, highlighting successful disease prevention and collaboration.
2024/11/01 17:42
Yunlin County steps up bird flu fight amid outbreaks
Discover how Yunlin County is tackling avian flu outbreaks by urging poultry farmers to boost biosecurity amid high temperatures affecting bird immunity. Learn about the recent cases and prevention efforts.
2024/07/08 16:48
Taipei health officials probe deadly food poisoning case
A suspected food poisoning incident at a Taipei department store restaurant has caused eight people to feel unwell, resulting in one fatality. The Taipei City Government’s Department of Health has ordered the restaurant to stop serving food, with samples sent for central testing to identify the cause. The severity of the situation has prompted discussions with toxicology experts, while the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control are actively investigating.
2024/03/27 10:10
Tainan City imposes fines to combat Dengue Fever threat
The Tainan City Government’s Public Health Bureau will impose penalties for properties with dengue fever-carrying mosquito larvae vessels starting April 1. The bureau emphasizes prevention efforts and urges residents to clean stagnant water containers to avoid mosquito breeding grounds.
2024/03/01 11:21
Tainan City confronts first dengue fever case of the year
Tainan City reports its first imported case of dengue fever from Indonesia, prompting preventative measures by the Tainan City Public Health Bureau. Learn about the symptoms and prevention of this mosquito-borne disease.
2024/02/20 17:53
Taiwanese youth obesity crisis raises health concerns
A concerning rise in obesity among Taiwanese adolescents highlights the urgent need for awareness and intervention. Experts emphasize the link between lifestyle habits and chronic disease risks, advocating for early education on diet and exercise.
2024/01/18 16:21
Taiwan boosts avian flu checks amid regional outbreaks
Taipei’s Acting Minister of Agriculture, Chen Junne-jih, announced the implementation of a specialized avian influenza prevention program in September, including increased testing frequency to monitor the disease. This comes in response to recent outbreaks in Japan and chicken farms in Yunlin County, raising concerns about egg price hikes and shortages. Chen warned that the situation may worsen with the expected drop in temperature next week. Taiwan has been conducting active and passive surveillance for avian influenza since September, focusing on high-risk areas near migratory bird paths and implementing biosecurity measures at poultry farms. Chen assured that the country’s egg production capability has recovered since the shortage earlier this year, with reserves of liquid eggs available for emergencies. Domestic egg reserves will be released first in the event of increased market demand, with the import of liquid eggs only considered if a severe outbreak leads to a supply shortage. Chen emphasized the importance of maintaining appropriate stock levels through the imported egg project to ensure a stable egg supply despite the challenges posed by avian influenza.
2023/12/12 17:54
Taiwan offers free pneumococcal vaccine to elders over 65
Taiwanese seniors over 65 can now receive free pneumococcal vaccinations amid a respiratory disease outbreak. The CDC encourages vaccinations against adenoviruses, mycoplasma pneumoniae, the COVID-19 XBB variant, and influenza to bolster the country’s defenses.
2023/11/27 17:27
Tainan and Kaohsiung report rising dengue fever cases
The dengue fever outbreak in Taiwan continues to surge, with Tainan reporting 40 new local cases on Sunday (Nov. 19), pushing the total to 26,160. Kaohsiung added 51 cases on the same day, raising its cumulative count to 2,054. However, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicated a decreasing trend in 10 dengue fever hotspots in Tainan. The Tainan Dengue Fever Prevention and Control Center reminded people that the development time of mosquito larvae increases in temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius, but their growth and activity are only inhibited in conditions under 16 degrees. As temperatures drop, disease-carrying mosquitoes may seek shelter indoors.
2023/11/20 16:33
Flu case surge prompts vaccination plea from physicians
Physicians are urging the public to get vaccinated against the flu as cold and flu cases surge in Taiwan amid cooling weather. Even healthcare providers are being impacted by the rapid spread of a virulent seasonal virus. ENT Dr. Chang Yi-Hao fell ill with gastroenteritis in late October, experiencing two days of fever. The virus has been particularly aggressive over the past few months. Chang emphasized the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and young children with weaker immune systems. Wearing face masks has become routine due to COVID-19, but with the easing of restrictions, there has been a rise in flu and respiratory virus infections. Physicians stress the need for vaccination, particularly for those with lower resistance to disease.
2023/11/16 21:02
Taiwan battles dengue outbreak amid higher temperatures
Taiwan faces a concerning spike in dengue fever cases, with Tainan bearing the brunt of over 80% of the 1,579 cases reported this year. As the nation grapples with rising temperatures and typhoon season, authorities intensify efforts to curb the disease’s spread. Learn about the factors driving the outbreak and essential prevention measures.
2023/08/18 15:55
猴痘擴散非洲多國!累計66例死亡 世衛將召開緊急會議
非洲疾病管制暨預防中心(Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention)代理主任歐瑪(Ahmed Ogwell Ouma)今天表示,2022年初以來,非洲已通報1597起疑似猴痘病例,其中66起死亡病例。
2022/06/17 08:23
美國109例不明兒童肝炎已5死 美CDC:疫苗無關
美國疾病管制暨預防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)今天表示,正在調查國內的109起不明兒童肝炎病例,其中包括5件死亡病例。
2022/05/07 17:29
全球不明病因兒童急性肝炎 累計通報已190例
歐洲疾病預防管制中心(European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)今天表示,近期出現的嚴重急性兒童肝炎病例,目前全球累計通報已約有190例。
2022/04/27 08:57
快訊/韓國單日確診破四千創新高 恐啟動緊急應變計畫
韓國疾病管理廳(Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency)24日公布最新數據,全國單日確診創新高有4,116例,重症也有586例,是11月實施「與病毒共存」政策後的新高。
2021/11/24 09:09
新加坡新冠肺炎疫情嚴峻,近來每日確診人數屢突破3千例,美國疾病管制與預防中心(The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ,CDC)本週也將新加坡的旅遊健康風險,提高至最高的「第四級」警示。
2021/10/19 12:57
非洲新冠肺炎疫情延燒 累計確診數突破300萬大關
非洲疾病管制暨預防中心(Africa Centers for Disease Controland Prevention)數據顯示,非洲的2019冠狀病毒疾病累計確診數今天突破300萬例,其中逾7萬2000人病亡。
2021/01/11 10:06
1週死4千人!流感肆虐「全美48州」 克流感爆缺貨
美國今年爆發大規模「H3N2型流感」疫情,本土48州無一倖免,陸續傳出死亡案例。根據美國疾病預防及控制中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)最新統計數字,光是在1月的第3週,竟然就有高達4064名美國人死於流感和併發肺炎,全美陷入流感危機,各州也陸續宣布進入緊急狀態。
2018/02/13 14:27