High-temperature alerts issued for 17 Taiwanese areas
Discover the latest on Taiwan’s heatwave: The CWA issued high-temperature alerts for 17 counties, warning of temperatures over 38 degrees Celsius. Learn safety tips and forecast details.2024/07/17 11:08 -
Taiwan braces for scorching heatwave and UV alert
Explore the latest weather update from the Central Weather Bureau, highlighting sunny to cloudy conditions across Taiwan with high temperatures and a southeast wind. Eastern regions can expect highs of 32-34°C, while the west may see 35-36°C.2024/07/04 09:43 -
挑墨鏡 「UV400、深灰/墨綠鏡片」較優!
未來兩週天氣熱呼呼,紫外線不是過量級就是危險級,防曬可別忘了眼睛,醫師提醒,強光或紫外線曝曬過久,眼睛可能出現白內障、視網膜黃斑部病變,因此墨鏡挑選很重要,紫外線部分最好挑選有「UV400」或「100% protection」標誌的墨鏡,代表可以隔絕99%以上紫外線,另外隔絕可見光部分,鏡片顏色深灰、墨綠、咖啡色比較好,且不是顏色越深越好,因為容易導致瞳孔放大、曝曬太多紫外線。2014/08/21 22:12