Soldier’s death at Taichung base under investigation
A 26-year-old volunteer soldier died in a shooting accident at Ching-Chuan-Kang Air Force Base in Taichung. A forensic exam on Oct. 9 will determine the cause.
Premier urges guidelines after military bus film incident
Premier Cho Jung-tai calls for guidelines after a Taichung tour bus played a Chinese military film. The Civil Affairs Bureau plans to enforce contracts and improve driver training.
Taichung leads Taiwan in traffic fatalities, report shows
Taiwan’s MOTC report shows 1,687 traffic fatalities from Jan. to July 2024, with Taichung City leading. Pedestrian safety remains a concern despite fewer accidents.
2024/10/08 09:29
Taichung mayor defends F1 event subsidy as beneficial
Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen defends an NT$8 million subsidy for an F1 event, citing economic benefits. Critics argue the cost is excessive and lacks transparency.
2024/10/07 14:15
Typhoon Krathon injures seven in Taichung City
Typhoon Krathon injured seven in Taichung, mainly from motorcycle accidents. Mayor Lu warns of coastal impacts. Transport services adjust schedules. Stay cautious.
2024/10/03 11:12
Kaohsiung’s Chen Chi-mai tops major city mayors: survey
CommonWealth Magazine’s 2024 survey ranks Pingtung County Magistrate Chou Chun-mi as the most improved leader. Agricultural counties dominate top spots. Economic and environmental issues are key.
2024/09/30 22:00
Taichung closes Gaomei Wetland camping area for typhoon
Taichung City Government closes Gaomei Wetland camping area for five days due to Typhoon Krathon. Sandbags distributed, and pumping stations ready. Reassessment on Oct. 4.
2024/09/30 14:20
Two Vietnamese workers detained after Taichung car accident
Authorities detained two Vietnamese migrant workers in Taichung after a car accident on Sept. 29. The driver, Phi, had an illegal blood alcohol level. Both overstayed their visas.
2024/09/30 10:29
受邀來台參加「Red Bull Showrun Taichung封街賽車展演」的日籍F1車手角田裕毅,今天舉行媒體見面會,面對主持人博恩搞笑提問台灣人都當成F1在開,角田幽默回應:「我只怕收到罰單。」
2024/09/28 20:45
Lulu「耳膜破裂」超嗨!現身台中F1賽車展演 近距離感受風速
亞洲唯一「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」今(28)日在台中舉辦封街展演,Red Bull Racing紅牛車隊的冠軍F1賽車來到現場外,知名F1賽車手角田裕毅也開著賽車,於市政路進行一連串的燒胎、甩尾及直線飆速等專業技術,嗨翻現場。身為台中女兒的Lulu(黃路梓茵)現身會場,近距離觀看賽車車手炫技,直呼:「感受一下耳膜破裂的感覺!差不多(快破)了。」
2024/09/28 18:28
台中F1賽車專訪/角田裕毅曝與大谷不同之處 「奪世界冠軍得做到這點」
亞洲唯一「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」今(28)日炸翻台中市政路!F1一級方程式賽車日本籍現役賽車手角田裕毅,駕駛「RB8」近距離秀出加速、燒胎及甩尾秀,嗨翻現場車迷。而他接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪時,再度談到早上曾喊話「想拿世界冠軍」的話題,強調「為了達到目標,需要在一個可以表現良好的車隊,不斷地常駐前三名」,但角田裕毅也表示,下半季首要之務是幫助車隊奪得第六名,因此得盡量搶分,獲取分數。
2024/09/28 18:25
台中F1賽車/V8聲浪炸翻台中!角田裕毅開飆 秀高難度甜甜圈燒胎
亞洲唯一「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」今(28)日炸翻台中市政路!F1賽車手角田裕毅駕駛「RB8」開飆,吸引超過4.8萬名車迷到場見證,現場賽車V8引擎發出震耳欲聾的聲浪,搭配角田裕毅頻頻在路上直線衝刺、甜甜圈式燒胎,讓民眾大呼過癮,不過三輪表演後,結尾時卻出現一起小插曲,「RB8」疑似出現常見的過熱起火,引起一陣尖叫,好在工作人員及時撲滅。
2024/09/28 18:22
台中F1賽車專訪/角田裕毅讚「台灣人熱情」 喊:盼台灣也有F1
亞洲唯一「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」今(28)日在F1賽車手角田裕毅震撼人心的直線狂飆、甜甜圈式燒胎下完美落幕。展演後他也接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,直呼明顯感受到台灣人對於F1賽事活動的熱情,並喊話希望有一天能再度回到台中街道奔馳,參加正式的F1賽事。
2024/09/28 16:51
台中F1賽車/角田裕毅賽場氣到罵髒話? 親回火爆傳聞:我私下很溫和
賽車迷眾所期待,亞洲唯一的「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」賽車展演活動,今(28)日正式登場,媒體記者會於上午10點舉行,由網紅博恩擔任主持人,與角田裕毅進行流利的英文談訪,首先單刀直入詢問「關於脾氣火爆的傳聞,是怎麼回事」,他則笑回私底下很溫和,在賽場上會武裝自己,同時他也提到語言隔閡問題,強調自己方法是先專注賽場,再努力融入當地。
2024/09/28 11:44
F1日本賽車手角田裕毅將現身今(28)日舉行的「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」,讓賽車迷相當興奮。24歲的角田是繼2014年的小林可夢偉後,時隔7年再戰F1的日本車手。在前車手父親的指導下,他4歲就接觸卡丁車,2018年在日本F4錦標賽奪冠,被視為天才車手。他也以性格火爆聞名,不僅Red Bull聘請過心理專家幫他控制脾氣,他6月也在無線電痛罵中國車手「白癡」,遭罰4萬歐元(約140萬元新台幣)後引發關注。
2024/09/28 11:21
台中F1賽車/3萬人搶看!角田裕毅喊「拿世界冠軍後開餐廳」 曝魔鬼訓練
賽車迷眾所期待,亞洲唯一的「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」賽車展演活動,今(28)日正式登場,為了一睹F1賽車手角田裕毅風采, 儘管一早烈日當空,仍湧現大量粉絲排隊聚集,角田裕毅也在賽前記者會分享,相當期待這次展演,特別是市政路街道相當寬敞,很適合他進行燒胎秀、甜甜圈式的繞圈,同時他也喊話,要成為「世界冠軍後再開餐廳」,並分享為了達成目標,要進行拉脖子等魔鬼訓練。
2024/09/28 11:20
台中F1賽車今登場!封街展演 交通接駁、轉播資訊一次看
首度登台的Red Bull Showrun Taichung在今日 (9月28日)盛大舉辦,屆時不僅將會有Red Bull Racing紅牛車隊的冠軍F1賽車來到現場,知名F1賽車手角田裕毅也將開著賽車,於市政路進行一連串的燒胎、甩尾及直線飆速等專業技術。台中市政府與活動主辦預估當天會有大量人流,將會進行現場管制,而活動當天也將有特技車手、音樂表演等精彩演出,為此《地球黃金線》就整理活動當天的最新資訊,包含活動時間、流程、交通停車與接駁資訊等,還有現場直播轉播資訊,讓你一篇文即可掌握。
2024/09/28 10:44
Taichung revokes Geya Bus Route 300 rights for three months
Taichung City will revoke Geya Bus’s Route 300 rights for three months after a fatal accident involving two Tunghai University students. New operators will take over.
2024/09/27 16:45
角田裕毅降臨台中F1賽車!爽嗑珍奶美食 笑喊:盧市長別罰我超速
賽車迷眾所期待,亞洲唯一的「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」賽車展演活動,今日正式登場,昨(27)日F1重量級賽車手角田裕毅也與台中市長盧秀燕一同出席記者會,他也展現親和力,不僅狂吸珍珠奶茶、炸雞,還靦腆笑稱「別開我超速罰單」,令現場哄堂大笑。
2024/09/27 16:01
New transportation minister vows to adapt, work harder
Transportation Minister Chen Shih-kai attended his first legislative session, emphasizing readiness to adapt and work harder. He outlined priorities for Taichung railway projects.
2024/09/26 13:44
搶先看!F1紅牛冠軍賽車抵台 百間餐飲推優惠搶車迷商機
亞洲唯一的「Red Bull Showrun Taichung」賽車展演活動,將於9月28日盛大登場,台中市政府27至29日也舉辦Showrun Party,今(25)日副市長鄭照新開箱2023年奪冠的RB19冠軍賽車,為盛宴打響第一槍。此外,市區內多家火鍋、燒烤同樣共襄盛舉,祭出超狂優惠,其中包括和牛免費送,也有啤酒買一送一,就是要讓3萬車迷有玩又有吃。
2024/09/25 16:31
Taichung mayor announces measures after fatal bus accident
Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen announced safety measures after a bus accident killed a student and injured another. Actions include fines, driver retraining, and intersection reviews.
2024/09/24 15:02
Tsai demands Taichung traffic overhaul after fatal crash
Discover how DPP Legislator Tsai Chi-chang is urging Taichung City for traffic improvements following a fatal accident, highlighting the city’s high traffic casualty rates and the need for a safer urban environment.
2024/09/23 16:09
Taichung Metro to compensate family of deceased deputy chief
Discover the story of a Taichung Metro deputy station chief’s tragic death and the ensuing debate over staffing and safety measures. Critics call for a review of the metro’s staffing policies after the incident.
2024/09/23 11:57
Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport to hike fares on 29 routes in Oct.
Discover the details on Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport’s fare increase for 29 routes starting Oct. 3, marking the first change in 17 years, with an average hike of 6%. Learn more about the adjustments and reasons behind them.
2024/09/20 10:41