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    ESMC 結果共8筆

  • 台積電歐洲首晶圓廠動土! 歐盟宣布50億歐元補助

    2024/08/20 19:45
  • 台積電8/20德國德勒斯動土典禮 廠區預定年底前開工

    2024/08/18 16:58
  • TSMC, ESMC to boost Europe’s chip industry in Germany

    Discover how TSMC and ESMC’s collaboration in Dresden, Germany, aims to boost Europe’s semiconductor manufacturing capabilities, creating nearly 2,000 jobs and enhancing the industry’s ecosystem by 2027.
    2024/06/11 14:17
  • Foreign investment in Taiwan hits 15-year high despite drop

    The number of approved overseas Chinese and foreign investments in Taiwan decreased by 8.89% to 2,102 cases in the first 11 months of 2023 compared to the same period last year. However, the investment amount from these sources reached US$10.79 billion (NT$323.7 billion), the second-highest in the past 15 years, with significant contributions from the offshore wind power sector. French company TotalEnergies Renewables SAS and British firm OSW Investments Taiwan JVCO 2 Limited increased their capital in Haiding Two International Investment Co., Ltd. by NT$5.03 billion. New companies established during this period amounted to 1,124 cases, with an investment value of US$680 million (NT$20.37 billion). Investments from Southeast Asian countries increased notably, with 609 cases, a 41.3% year-on-year increase, and a monetary surge of 25.2% to US$2.52 billion (NT$75.68 billion), mainly from Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. However, Chinese investments in Taiwan declined, with only 24 approved cases, a 45.45% decrease from the previous year, and investment figures dropping by 21.65% to US$27.38 million (NT$820 million). On the other hand, overseas investments from Taiwan increased, with a moderate rise in approved cases by 2.44% to 504 and a substantial annual increase of 145.61% in investment total to US$22.81 billion (NT$684.42 billion). Key overseas investments included TSMC’s US$8 billion capital injection into its Arizona subsidiary and a €3.5 billion investment in Germany’s ESMC GmbH. Foxconn Technology Group also made a significant investment of US$8 billion in its Singapore subsidiary, and Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. invested a similar amount in Singapore-based Yang Ming (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
    2023/12/20 17:20
  • 台積電赴德設廠過關! 投審會准「投資35億歐元」

    2023/10/26 21:52
  • TSMC makes 3.5B euros investment to build plant in Germany

    Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturer TSMC announced on Tuesday (Aug. 9) an investment of 3.5 billion euros in a facility located in Germany, marking TSMC’s inaugural site in Europe and capitalizing on substantial government backing for the US$11 billion plant.
    2023/08/09 19:42
  • 台積電拍板設廠! 蕭茲看好德國成歐洲晶片主要產地

    2023/08/09 10:42
  • 台積電德國廠拍板!攜手博世、英飛凌與恩智浦 明下半年建廠

    2023/08/08 20:33
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