Taiwanese envoy lauds tech cooperation at TSMC Dresden event
Discover how Taiwan and Germany are strengthening technological ties through TSMC’s new facility in Dresden, as highlighted by Taiwanese Representative Shieh Jhy-wey at the groundbreaking ceremony.2024/08/21 12:45 -
German chancellor to attend TSMC Dresden plant ceremony
Discover how TSMC’s new plant in Dresden, led by CEO C.C. Wei, marks a significant step in Germany’s semiconductor manufacturing efforts, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz attending the groundbreaking ceremony.2024/08/19 10:44 -
TSMC, ESMC to boost Europe’s chip industry in Germany
Discover how TSMC and ESMC’s collaboration in Dresden, Germany, aims to boost Europe’s semiconductor manufacturing capabilities, creating nearly 2,000 jobs and enhancing the industry’s ecosystem by 2027.2024/06/11 14:17 -
NTU launches international semiconductor training with TSMC
Discover how Taiwan’s NTU and TSMC are pioneering the future of semiconductor education and international collaboration, welcoming students from around the globe to innovate and grow together.2024/03/06 18:10 -
Taiwan and Germany boost industrial ties: Jörg Polster
Explore the deepening industrial relationship between Taiwan and Germany as German Institute Taipei Director-General Jörg Polster praises the long-standing ties. Following TSMC’s announcement of its first European factory in Germany, Polster emphasizes mutual growth opportunities and highlights plans for student exchanges in 2024.2023/10/27 19:35 -
台積電歐洲首座晶圓廠落腳德國 預定地點曝光、入手有遠見
台積電歐洲首座晶圓廠落腳德國德勒斯登(Dresden),鎖定汽車工業需求,記者走訪現場後發現當地有完整的半導體產業鏈,鄰近汽車業客戶,而且未來還有擴廠空間,可說是有遠見的決定。2023/08/21 22:53 -
赴美後歐洲也要設廠?外媒爆首廠落腳德國 台積電回應了
台積電加速全球布局,先前才赴美國設廠,如今又有外媒指出,台積電預計到歐洲建廠,正在與當地供應商深入洽談,有關在德國東部城市德勒斯登(Dresden)建立歐洲首座廠房的事宜。台積電對此回應,「不排除任何可能性,但目前沒有具體計劃」。2022/12/23 15:46 -
格芯擬在德勒斯登擴廠 爭取德國政府補助
全球第4大晶圓代工業者格芯積極爭取德國政府補貼,計畫擴大在德勒斯登(Dresden)的產能。2021/08/18 09:48 -
德國再傳博物館遭竊 警懸賞1700萬追查贓物下落
德國博物館竊案頻傳,位於德勒斯登(Dresden)的「綠穹珍寶館」,當地時間11月25日才發生珠寶遭竊事件,總價高達10億歐元(約335億元新台幣),是德國自二戰以來最大的竊盜案。事隔一週,當地時間12月2日,柏林的史塔西博物館又傳出價值數千歐元的展物遭竊,包括共產主義時代保存下來的許多勳章及珠寶。針對一週兩起竊案,警方目前懸賞近1千7百萬新台幣全力追捕嫌犯。2019/12/04 11:23