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    ADIZ 結果共185筆

  • 又來了!中共黃海發射火箭 國防部證實飛越我ADIZ東部

    2024/09/24 14:26
  • Taiwan detects 14 PLA aircraft, 7 PLAN vessels, 2 ships

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as the Ministry of National Defense reports significant Chinese military activity, including 14 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels around the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/09/05 11:01
  • 發射了!中共火箭飛經台灣ADIZ 國防部曝高度:無危害

    2024/09/03 12:04
  • Military of Defense reports 38 PLA military incursions

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as the Ministry of National Defense reports detecting 30 PLA aircraft and 8 naval vessels near its airspace and waters, marking a significant military presence.
    2024/08/28 11:24
  • 國防部預告中共29日將發射運載火箭 經台灣防空識別區

    2024/08/27 10:55
  • 39共機艦「三面夾台」近鵝鑾鼻 8/16要射火箭經我防空識別區

    2024/08/14 10:46
  • Taiwan detects 15 PLA aircraft, 11 naval vessels near strait

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as the Ministry of National Defense reports detecting 15 PLA aircraft and 11 PLAN vessels near the Taiwan Strait, with several crossing the median line. Read more on the ROC Armed Forces’ response.
    2024/08/13 15:13
  • 又來!35共機艦四面包圍 明射火箭飛越台灣防空識別區

    2024/07/31 11:07
  • 可掛載核彈!中俄4轟炸機 闖美阿拉斯加ADIZ

    2024/07/26 19:30
  • 套疊共軍示意圖 演習區塊均挑戰我ADIZ

    2024/05/23 13:10
  • Taiwan detects 18 PLA aircraft near its borders

    Taiwan’s MND reports 18 PLA aircraft, 5 PLAN vessels near Taiwan; China to launch rocket over Taiwan’s ADIZ on Apr. 21. ROC Armed Forces monitor situation.
    2024/04/18 13:33
  • 網傳解放軍進花蓮救災 綠委:陸駭客缺業績

    各部會投入地震救災行動,但網路社群平台卻流傳各種假訊息。TAIWAN adiz在社群平台X上貼出一段假影片,裡頭稱陸方已來台投入花蓮救災工作,批評對岸搞小動作。而立委也對此分析,是陸方駭客欠缺KPI。
    2024/04/05 20:20
  • China’s rocket launch to cross Taiwan’s ADIZ: MND

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense reports on China’s upcoming rocket launch, PLA aircraft incursions, and PLAN vessel activities near Taiwan. The Taiwanese military is on high alert to safeguard national security and regional stability.
    2024/04/02 14:45
  • 中國明天又要射火箭 國防部曝將經「我國防空識別區」

    2024/04/02 09:39
  • Taiwan’s military refutes rumors amid sea rescue

    The Army Kinmen Defense Command responds to a Chinese fishing vessel incident near Dongding Island, with crew members in critical condition. Online speculation about the cause is refuted, emphasizing the commitment to humanitarian rescue efforts.
    2024/03/14 15:17
  • 安撫民心!中共2/29再射火箭 國軍提前預告

    2024/02/26 20:26
  • 政策階段性任務達成? 國防部共機動態示意圖改版觀點剖析一次看

    2024/02/02 23:04
  • M503航線取消西移 國軍情監偵又臨考驗

    2024/02/01 22:56
  • MND: Three PRC balloons spotted near Taiwan amid tensions

    Taipei (TVBS News) - The Ministry of National Defense (MND) reported that four People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) aircraft violated the median line of the Taiwan Strait or entered Taiwan’s southwest air defense identification zone (ADIZ) between Wednesday and Thursday morning. A total of 18 PLAAF aircraft and six PLAN vessels were detected around Taiwan during this period. The Republic of China Armed Forces responded by monitoring these violations with Combat Air Patrol (CAP) aircraft, navy vessels, and land-based missile systems. Additionally, the MND noted the presence of three Chinese balloons near Taiwan, floating at elevations between 13,000 and 24,000 feet. One balloon was located 72 nautical miles west of Keelung. The first balloon was detected at 5:57 a.m. on Wednesday, at a height of 24,000 feet, disappearing by 6:32 a.m. Another balloon was spotted at 3:11 p.m., at a height of 13,000 feet, disappearing by 3:57 p.m. The third balloon was seen at 3:30 p.m. at a height of 18,000 feet, disappearing by 4:14 p.m.
    2024/01/25 11:58
  • Taiwan monitors Chinese military activity ahead of elections

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) detected four Chinese military aircraft and three naval vessels operating near the Taiwan Strait, days before the presidential election. Two Chinese balloons were also tracked, with one entering Taiwan’s western airspace northwest of Chiayi, and another spotted northwest of Keelung. The balloons disappeared from radar after crossing the median line. The MND’s flight track map shows that one balloon floated over Taiwan from west to east before disappearing over the Pacific Ocean. The other balloon, named "Air Police 500," flew into Taiwan’s southwestern air defense identification zone (ADIZ) from China’s coastal airspace. These balloons were likely used for collecting meteorological data and were different from the Chinese spy balloons that flew over the U.S. last year. It is inferred that these floating balloons might have been released by an unknown Chinese entity, as Taiwan has previously found balloons released by China for weather research. Promptly disclosing the movements of Chinese balloons is emphasized to raise public awareness regarding safety measures and counter potential preemptive messaging from China. The national military is currently monitoring the situation and has developed a responsive plan, according to the MND.
    2024/01/03 11:07
  • 2共艦遭驅離氣嗆「台灣前途在統一」 網友嗨幫迪化艦募款加菜

    軍事粉專「Taiwan ADIZ」日前公布一音檔,我國海軍迪化艦4日中午在西部外海,發現共軍宜興艦、呼和浩特艦進入24海浬鄰接區,廣播驅離時,遭對方氣炸反嗆「台灣前途在於國家統一」,更說24浬臨接區不存在,但我海軍仍堅定驅離。粉專大讚我國海軍「單挑」2共艦,更發起募款慰問加菜金的活動。國防部今證實此事,並對於各界敬軍慰問表達感謝,海軍也將持續戮力戰訓本務。 軍事粉專「Taiwan ADIZ」日前公布一音檔,我國海軍迪化艦4日中午在西部外海,發現共軍宜興艦、呼和浩特艦進入24海浬鄰接區,廣播驅離時,遭對方氣炸反嗆「台灣前途在於國家統一」,更說24浬臨接區不存在,但我海軍仍堅定驅離。粉專大讚我國海軍「單挑」2共艦,更發起募款慰問加菜金的活動。國防部今證實此事,並對於各界敬軍慰問表達感謝,海軍也將持續戮力戰訓本務,全力捍衛海疆安全。
    2023/12/07 11:50
  • 中國貨輪闖我限制水域!還嗆聲「你是什麼國啊?」惹怒全網

    兩岸關係一直都是民眾關心的議題,近日臉書粉絲專頁「Taiwan ADIZ」上傳一段影片,一艘中國籍貨輪擅闖我國艦限制水域,遭中華民國海巡署發聲驅離,不料對方卻囂張回嗆「你是什麼國啊」、「明明是個省,非得說個國」,引發網友怒火。
    2023/11/13 10:29
  • U.S. destroyer, Canadian frigate sail through Taiwan Strait

    The story reports that the U.S. destroyer USS Rafael Peralta and the Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ottawa sailed through the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense stated that the country’s armed forces maintained control of the maritime and aerial dynamics during the transit. The ministry also revealed that it detected 13 Chinese aircraft and eight mainland ships conducting activities around Taiwanese waters. Five Chinese aircraft entered the southwest Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), prompting a response from Taiwan’s armed forces using combat air patrol aircraft, navy vessels, and land-based missile systems.
    2023/11/03 21:17
  • MND reports 23 Chinese aircraft entering Taiwan’s airspace

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) reports that 23 Chinese aircraft violated Taiwan’s airspace, with a BZK-005 drone crossing the Taiwan Strait median line and a Harbin Z-9 anti-submarine helicopter conducting drills in the eastern sea. The MND will closely monitor maritime and air dynamics using joint intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance.
    2023/10/27 14:48
  • 中共山東號穿越巴士海峽 無人機在我ADIZ內繞台飛行

    2023/10/27 10:50
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