
China Steel Express defends fixed-term seafarer contracts

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/10/09 15:53
Last update time:2024/10/09 16:06
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China Steel Express defends fixed-term seafarer contracts (Shutterstock) China Steel Express defends fixed-term seafarer contracts
China Steel Express defends fixed-term seafarer contracts (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — China Steel Express (中運公司) on Wednesday (Oct. 9) clarified its adherence to international conventions by employing seafarers under "fixed-term contracts."

This announcement comes amid accusations from the China Steel Express Union (CSEU, 中鋼運通企業工會), which protested at the Ministry of Labor (MOL, 勞動部) on the same day, alleging illegal suspension of labor and health insurance for Taiwanese crew members.


The union claimed that since July, the company has delayed assigning Taiwanese crew members to ships, effectively forcing them to resign. This situation has reportedly affected over 300 seafarers and their families.

CSE stated that it signs fixed-term employment contracts with seafarers in accordance with domestic regulations and international conventions and provides labor and health insurance during the contract period.

Upon contract expiration, the company noted that seafarers could secure insurance through The Master Mariners' Association (船長公會) or the National Chinese Seamen's Union (中華海員總工會), a standard practice in the industry.

The company emphasized that on July 10, labor and management negotiated retirement benefits, welfare safeguards, and re-boarding bonuses, but the union unilaterally denied the consensus.

CSE reiterated that the Supreme Court has recognized the employment relationship with seafarers as "fixed-term contracts," contrary to the union's portrayal of them as "indefinite-term contracts." The company dismissed the union's accusations of forcing seafarers to resign as unfounded.

As the dispute unfolds, all eyes remain on the potential impact on the seafarers and the shipping industry.

Taiwan Business

#China Steel Express# seafarers# fixed-term contracts# labor insurance# health insurance# Taiwanese crew# shipping industry# China Steel Express Union protest# employment contracts for seafarers# labor dispute in shipping


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