CECC: Confirmed COVID-19 cases won’t be allowed to vote

記者 Jennifer Jieh 報導

2022/11/25 12:49

TAIPEI (TVBS News) The election day is approaching fast, and in order to access the polling stations, voters have to be COVID-19 negative, leading some to worry that some confirmed patients might not report their symptoms to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) in order to be able to vote.

"There are a total of around 128,000 confirmed cases. In the 47th week (this week), it will probably be around 105,000 to 110,000 if we look at the trend. So if we calculate the numbers, the daily average is around 15,000 to 16,000. Currently, the trend looks normal," the CECC Commander Victor Wang said in response to media inquiries.


According to public health expert Chen Hsiu-hsi's analysis, the fatality rate of this new wave of the virus has dropped to the same level as that of influenza.

Wang added that if the virus becomes more flu-like in the future, there will be a further loosening of pandemic safety regulations. 

However, there have been differences of opinion when it comes to the criteria for judging the fatality rate. 

Media reported that in the last two weeks, Taiwan ranked 3rd in the world when it comes to the fatality rate due to COVID-19. And this is what Wang had to say in response:

"If you look at a certain short period of time, for every country, they will be the highest in the worl," said Wang.

According to data the head of CECC compiled, since the start of the epidemic until now, Taiwan's fatality rate is the sixth lowest in the OECD, and the cumulative confirmed death rate is the fifth lowest. 

The UK and the U.S. had already reached the 2 peaks in April 2020 and January 2021, respectively. And looking at Japan and South Korea, which both have an aging population more similar to Taiwan, experienced peaks during February, March, and September this year.

Doctor Chiang Kuan-yu said, "Compared with European countries, there is still a very big gap. When it comes to the mutant strains, there has already been a large number of severe deaths accumulated."

As the elections in Taiwan are taking place this weekend, remember to stay safe, have a mask on at all times, and make sure not to come in direct contact with too many individuals to ensure the polling station won't become a new hub for the virus.





更新時間:2022/11/25 21:08