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    FOR-ME 結果共8筆

  • 水原一平曾豪語「免擔心我還不出錢」 事跡敗露嘆:一切都完了

    大聯盟球星大谷翔平的前翻譯水原一平,3月因涉及非法賭博遭道奇隊開除。美國聯邦調查局今(12)日指出,大谷遭竊取1600萬美元(約5.1億新台幣),水原已被依詐欺罪起訴。水原與組頭的簡訊內容也遭到曝光。組頭曾為了威脅水原而跟蹤大谷。水原也親口承認從大谷的帳戶中竊取資金,在涉賭一事敗露後嘆「一切都完了」(it’s all over for me)。
    2024/04/12 10:27
  • 顛覆傳統瀏覽器!超強APP「Arc Search」問世 一鍵秒建客製搜尋結果

    隨著科技日新月異,網路使用方式發生天翻地覆改變,但在各式軟體工具逐漸精進之際,瀏覽器卻始終沒有太大變革。為解決此問題,美國紐約公司The Browser Company近日推出全新APP「Arc Search」,結合瀏覽器、搜尋引擎和人工智慧(AI),只需輸入問題,點選「Browse for me」(為我瀏覽),APP就會迅速從多個網站中擷取資訊,為用戶建立客製化網頁,不再需要像傳統搜尋引擎,逐一點選網頁連結查詢資訊。
    2024/01/29 16:31
  • Zooey Wonder sets Taipei ablaze with 2024 concert tour

    Get ready for Zooey Wonder’s "2024 See You Down The Road" concert in Taipei on Jan. 22. After being chosen by Golden Melody Award-winning singer Wu Qing-feng for a duet, Zooey Wonder has been thrust into the limelight. She recently kicked off her tour in Shanghai, performing meticulously prepared songs such as "Nomadland" and "Me Time". Throughout the year, Zooey Wonder plans to visit more places and meet more fans with her new songs. Don’t miss out on surprises and a concert-exclusive beautifully designed commemorative card at her Taipei concert. Grab your tickets now through KKTIX.
    2024/01/18 15:42
  • TPP’s Ko’s wife dares DPP to sue over Taipei Dome claims

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s wife, Peggy Chen, openly challenged the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on December 9th, expressing her willingness to face legal consequences if sued. Chen’s challenge followed her questioning the integrity of the Premier and the Minister of the Interior on Facebook, alleging their deliberate obstruction of the approval process for the Taipei Dome project during Ko’s tenure as Taipei City Mayor in October of the previous year. During an event in Taichung City’s Dali District, Chen boldly stated, "If the DPP wants to sue, then sue me!" She emphasized that her information came directly from Ko himself and assured that she had made efforts to verify the claims. When asked about the recent decline in Ko’s support according to polls, Chen simply responded, "Just keep working hard."
    2023/12/09 16:07
  • 林依晨「合體3男神」推新作 成功挺進威尼斯影展

    全球四大影展之一的威尼斯影展今年將於8/30至9/10展開,喜見台北市電影委員會「國際影視攝製投資計畫」經評選後投入第一桶金的兩部電影,包括台、法合製電影《為了國家》(For My Country)入圍「地平線單元」(Horizons)國際競賽單元,以及《車頂上的玄天上帝》(暫名:Be with Me),入選本屆影展的威尼斯創投市場展(Venice Gap-Financing Market)。
    2022/07/28 17:40
  • 《格雷3》主題曲《For You》 2週點閱破3千萬

    充滿各種激情元素的電影《格雷的五十道陰影》,除了大量感官神經挑逗的畫面外,音樂也成為系列電影的重要特色。前2集的主題曲《Love Me Like You Do》和《I Don't Wanna Live Forever》在YouTube總點閱率高達20億次,這次新歌《For You》找來連恩與瑞塔一起合唱,就看能不能隨著電影完結熱潮再創音樂主題曲的記錄。
    2018/02/10 14:28
  • 單身經濟「愛自己」 一個人的奢華正當道

    2017/06/19 21:54
  • 「草莓季」限定!8款創意甜點趕快來品嚐 

    甜滋滋的草莓季到來,不少業者趁勢推出草莓系列活動、甜品,順勢搶攻情人節商機。像是飯店業者就推出「季節限定-甜心草莓祭」,選用當季盛產草莓,烘焙出8款創意草莓點心及6款草莓特調;有溫泉飯店業者則是選用紅豔的當季草莓與大黃根入菜,口感層次交錯推疊;連鎖咖啡業者也將於2月12日至3月14日以「Meet Me for Love」為主題,推出每日限定情人節套餐。
    2016/01/30 00:26
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